April / Delilah / Vernica's Foaling thread Cam Up

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1.15am April is rubbing her tummy and the mice are awake
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1.45am and April looking very comfortable down sternal - actually having a session of biting an itch on one of her back legs! LOL!!
5:42am and April is standing quietly with her head down... looking very big hehe

hoping she has done some shopping for you overnight Hazel
10:40pm April is down flat resting very nicely looking nice and comfy in her bed.

How is Delilah doing?

heading to lunch now be back shortly

sorry for not posting much at the moment Hazel my excema is so sore and frustrating!!
12:0am April down sternal but not looking comfty sort of going back and forth then she did a big roll and is up grazing her stable alot of tail swishing happening... I am watching!!

now alot of tummy kicking...
Hi Ladies, sorry I haven't post much in a couple of days. April and Delilah are progressing slowly. April is getting looser in the tail and still a little touchy about me checking her hooha. Delilah has stopped shopping. She may be protesting not being in the spotlight. I'll try to post pics later and I will have more news later. Right now it's time for bed. Not much sleep since yesterday early morning.

Thank ya'll so much for watching April.
April down sternal 10:13pm resting very nicely

I have to steop out to my doctor app now hopefully get some answers for my excema so I can't watch for a while but she is looking nice and peaceful
so i think we are ok

will be back in a few hrs
I'm high-jacking!!!!!!!

I have a new friend here -- thought I'd share now that he's arrived. Re-introducing.......Mr. Wags -- he's in Florida!!!! Only the grand-daughter has met him -- but one of my grown sons just adores him, and HIS twin told Mr. Wags to be prepared to never have his feet on the ground when the grandsons meet him this weekend! Really, his feet hardly touch the ground at all -- since he and I have found my chair a very relaxing place to a snooze!!!! Thank you Hazel -- he is just a love!!!!!! (PS: please excuse the dirty "farm foot" and the messy floor. I had just come back from the farm with all its glorious dirt!)

Congrats on your new furkid. Mr Wags is just too cute.
omg you 2 are sly! Diane I am so happy for you and Mr Wags. Hazel you are amazing.

Really Diane!!, you could have painted your toes red for the occasion
I was looking at Mr Wags and hadn't even seen you sneaking in the pic Lol
Well, you can tell I'm one of those "bad" people who work their horses in flip-flops!
Well, you won't catch me out in flip-flops... Too cold most of the time around here, and the ground cover to rough for bare feet, at least for me. [i ran barefoot as a kid, but outside of the house it just doesn't work any more.
I must admit I hang out in my crocs in the summer but they are a little more covered than flip flops
OMG! Is that really THE Mr. Wags??? YAY!!

I am one of those 'bad' people in my flip flops with the little horses sometimes but I try not to too often. I wore them this weekend to go see Jake but I wasn't going to be working with him- my hubby did the grooming and lunging. I saw a photo on facebook I think of a girl wearing flip flops and had her foot stepped on by a horse and it was YUCK so I think of that often.

It is getting closer, Hazel. I know you must be getting excited.
Do you mean this one Megan?


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Diane if that puppy is missing tomorrow morning don't look for him in Australia
:rofl Love the Dachies!

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