I can't believe how much April is still lying down after having the bannemine, I see you out there Hazel does she seem alright to you or are you concerned?
Diane what are your thoughts? being still such a newbie to all of this I wonder if she is ok, 'lol baby is standing on mummas tail LOL poor April
I think the banamine is kicking in and I gave April some warm mash. We know how much she loves to eat. He has found the milk bar and had a wiz, but no poo yet. Maybe wioth him getting a good drink that will relieve some of the presure on her udder. I was still VERY hard.
Diane thank you so much for your help tonight.
I was beginning to panic. You always know the right thing to say to make me feel better. Thank you
I'm so glad April is now feeling more comfortable, bless her! Was just reading the 'time' on everyone's posts and am a little concerned that the banamine took around an hour to kick in? Maybe you only gave her a mild dose Hazel to be safe, but if the effect wears off in a couple of hours (should last 4 - 6 hours) then I would have a word with your vet just in case the banamine dose is hiding a minor problem. That said, I'm sure April will be fine because she was just 'laying' down, as in needing to rest/being uncomfortable, and not rolling, as in early colic symptoms.
He certainly is very handsome, and a lovely strong little fella. Pity he's not a filly coz you could have called him May, but once he gets out and about perhaps Mayhem will suit. LOL!!
Cassie, Renee thank you for the great pics. love them and I'll post some in a bit. Poor little guy is still being used for a pillow and he is still kicking his protest.
Oh he is just gorgeous Hazel - what a big boy too, no wonder April has been feeling so uncomfortable after foaling!
His blaze is much more central than it looked to me just after he was born - guess it was the angle he was at from the camera. In the pictures April looks as though she is really proud of him - she's going to be such a good Momma, bless her!
Oh my he is a big boy and very handsome! He looks just like mom! Congratulations on acting quickly and getting him delivered safely. Poor momma is sore and tired I am sure, bless her heart.
. He is doing real good. I didn't know that newborns would nicker. It is so cute to hear him. I just love the sound of his little voice
. April is a very good mom. She has plenty of milk. While I was out there earlier he was drinking on one side an milk was dripping on the other. I think he has had a poo. I finally got close enough to see some dry remants on his little behind.