Not me! I refuse to eat the winter away. *LOL*
I've been eating less b/c when I feel like watching the tube, which I don't do much anymore, I have my reclining Exercise bike to pedal and watch (told my husband if he could figure out how to make it so I couldn't watch or use the computer unless I was pedalling and providing power, I'd be set...*LMAO* or rather *PMAO*).
So I don't eat while watching tv, and I am actually doing something good for me even though it's too nasty to be outside for too long.
I don't feel as hungry, either, especially after this flu. We were going to have some pierogies for dinner last night and after three of them I didn't feel very good, so I quit and drank tea the rest of the night. Still don't feel great, but haven't eaten anything yet today, either. My four year old is having about the same trouble, he throws up every night after dinner since he was sick a week ago. He may have to visit the dr. if he is not better by Monday, though he just ate a good breakfast and lunch.
Marty, man, you sound like queen of the munchies! You need to get the show on the road and bring it to one of our shows out here. I think the people eat everything edible at those shows esp. when there is a dinner, breakfast or free donuts, those suckers are GONE fast. *LOL* I used to put out expensive candy in a dish in front of my stalls but yoweee I got a lot of repeat customers. Hee hee.
Liz M.
(still sticking to my resolution---MOSTLY)