ASPC gelding might go over his papers!

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JMS Miniatures

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2002
Reaction score
Wentworth, MO
My gelding is now as a 2 year old 45.75". If I remeber right for classics they can be no taller then 46"? He has already gone over the foundation height, and he is still growing. This is the same one that outgrew his AMHR papers

I'm trying to sell him as a ASPC gelding but I seriously don't think he will be staying under 46" much longer. So what I am asking is what would he be considered then, can he be registered into another registry? I'm not sure what ASPR is, but the only one I can think of is NSPR.
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How much heel does he have? And how did he ever have AMHR papers??? You might be able to show him as a show pony, but I'm not the best to ask! Never had this problem before!
i'm not all up to date on this one..but i BELIEVE he can indeed be registered ASPR which can be either full blooded Shetland or Hackney or a combination of the two. He can also be registered and shown as a NSPR too
My experience is that they grow anywhere from 1/2" to 2" after they turn 2 yrs old.

If he is Classic type, then NSPR might be your best choice. The office can tell you what is required to get them registered.

If he is a pinto, I would register him with PtHA. NSPR hasn't had enough time to gain a following and I doubt that having him registered with NSPR would make him more marketable. But there is a descent pony following in PtHA, at least in my area, and you might find a Pinto person who is interested in him.
Hi: Don't panic until he goes over. Most of our stock reach their full height at 2 years of age. We have several that at 2 were 44 1/2 and when full grown they were still the same size. You might luck out and he'll start to fill out and not continue up. Good luck. Shirlee
I'm with Shirlee, Some bloodlines get their height early and are done growing at age 2.

That said, Shetlands don't lose their papers for going over - but they can't show.

ASPR is American Show Pony Registry - open to ASPC Shetlands, purebred Hackneys, and crosses thereof. ASPR can breed ASPR for a registered ASPR foal.

NSPR is National Show Pony Registry - open to the offspring of any ASPC or AMHR registered animals (a proposal was made at the last convention to add ASPR also but I'm not sure if that has ever been approved by the BOD). The ASPC or AMHR parent AND the resulting foal must DNA. NSPR x NSPR cannot be registered NSPR. To breed another NSPR from an NSPR it must be crossed NSPR x ASPC or NSPR x AMHR.

Your best bet would be ASPR unless you own one of his parents OR one of his parents already has DNA on file for NSPR. Any ASPC Shetland can cross register into ASPR. For NSPR DNA of the horse being registered and one of the parents would be required. At this point there are a lot more shows offering ASPR classes plus ASPR classes are pointed classes and you can earn HOF. Very few shows are offering NSPR classes and there are currently no points earned for NSPR classes.

Your pony might not be the extreme Hackney type seen at Congress in ASPR classes but in my exprience the ASPR ponies showing at most local shows are not all as extreme.

Also remember that most of the time when we measure at home, we tend to measure a little taller than a trained steward is going to measure - at least I know I do! My 2 year old gelding who I was sure was over 45 inches measured 44.5.

Carin - he has AMHR papers because both of his parents were ASPC/AMHR.

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