At last! The filly fairy finally stopped here

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2005
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The filly fairy finally shined her light on us. She looks to be a gorgeous golden palomino filly with a blaze born this morning. The last mini horse for us for 2007, but what a way to end the season. :aktion033:

She is a tiny little thing too. Yipee!

Oh Suzie, as I said....I am so thrilled for you! Kiss that Glowboy on his pretty nose and tell him I'm proud! I can't wait to see her all unfolded! I'm watching the cam. Mom seems a bit crampy. Got a name?
No name yet. It is pretty chilly here this morning and she was shivering so the blanket went on quickly. I was not sure Goldie would let us in to look yet, she is a very protective mom. I hope the temps go up quickly so I can see what is under there.
She has such a princessy kind of face, so feminine...she made a nice "glowing debut" for ya!
Congratulations on your pretty little girl :aktion033: Joyce
Congratulations on your new filly, she is Gorgeous
Looks like you have the 'filly fairy' right there in your avatar! How cute! (I collect fairies- she can just come and flutter around my place, LOL) Congrats on your new baby- very cute!
She looks like a pretty little thing, congratulations!

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