This is so cool !! 52 performance-only classes. Talk about thinking "outside the box!" No more butting heads with halter horse exhibitors. OK -- so the halter exhibitors are nice people....but no more waiting for those halter classes to get over so you can get your performance horses out there.
AND -- it is a 3-judge show!! One day !!
Beautiful arena, stalls available, nice hotels, and PERFORMANCE ... PERFORMANCE ... PERFORMANCE !
Mark your calendars and plan on coming to Clarksville, Arkansas on May 6 -- and stop by the announcer's booth and say HI to me!
Kudos to Dana Bryan, Laura (Harrell) Undem and Alicia Broyles for putting this together!
Here is the showbill:
AND -- it is a 3-judge show!! One day !!
Beautiful arena, stalls available, nice hotels, and PERFORMANCE ... PERFORMANCE ... PERFORMANCE !
Mark your calendars and plan on coming to Clarksville, Arkansas on May 6 -- and stop by the announcer's booth and say HI to me!
Kudos to Dana Bryan, Laura (Harrell) Undem and Alicia Broyles for putting this together!
Here is the showbill: