Well-Known Member
Hi everyone It is time to update the baby diary again ..I had an ultrasound last monday Eliegha Marie is doing great , I am 33wks now and as of last monday she wieghs 4lbs 4 oz . She is head down and my cervix is already starting to thin out , I am really hoping to keep her in the oven a few more weeks. They also said by the ultra sound they can tell she had a full head of hair ...No wonder I have had so much heartburn...I am hoping to get to at least 35 to 37 weeks but they have already said if I am past 34 weeks they are not going to stop her from coming...I have never had an ultrasound like this one before it is a 3d and it is almost like I have met her before she has even arrived.. So with out further ado here is our little one