Well-Known Member
We have a three year old mare on our farm right now that has me going crazy. She won't eat. She used to pound on her door wanting her dinner, now it's like no big deal. She only wants pasture, of which we don't have much, so she's losing weight. There is a round bale in the field to suppliment them, but I don't know how much she's eating off that. If I bring her into the barn to feed her she may eat a few bites then quits. All my other mares in this field are pork-chops, she's THIN.
Last night I bought two gorgeous bales of alfalfa, plus we have fresh-cut hay. I gave her a half flake of the alfalfa and a whole flake of hay plus our normal complete pellets. Her companion got the same. This morning she'd picked at the hay, I think most of the alfalfa is gone but she left about a cup or so of grain. Her buddy left some hay, but I had given both a lot.
I can't feed her outside, the others will push her away. I feed her inside, she doesn't eat...
She is not mine and I just cannot afford a vet bill on someone else's horse, or I'd take her in.
She doesn't seem to have teeth problems, was dewormed last month and given probiotics. I just can't figure this one out...she's got me stumped. I may just tell her owner she really needs to go in...
Any clues?
Last night I bought two gorgeous bales of alfalfa, plus we have fresh-cut hay. I gave her a half flake of the alfalfa and a whole flake of hay plus our normal complete pellets. Her companion got the same. This morning she'd picked at the hay, I think most of the alfalfa is gone but she left about a cup or so of grain. Her buddy left some hay, but I had given both a lot.
I can't feed her outside, the others will push her away. I feed her inside, she doesn't eat...
She doesn't seem to have teeth problems, was dewormed last month and given probiotics. I just can't figure this one out...she's got me stumped. I may just tell her owner she really needs to go in...
Any clues?