barn Cat is hurt bad

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2007
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We have 3 or 4 barn cats. They are all fixed and very friendly (for being a farm cat). Anyway, we have a huge industrialy fan in our rafters in the barn. About 4 nights ago we hear an explosion. When we went running we found nothing but the fan blades where bent. Well, we found all cats and they looked ok. We didnt pick them up we just noticed they where still around. Yesterday my nieghbor calls and says Junior is hurt bad. After hrs we fianlly caught him. His side and leg are missing hair and flesh. You can see the vien in his leg and flesh in the stomach area. We have a vet appointment. In the meantime I treated him with Schruder (sp) and gave him an antibiotic. We like the cats dont get me wrong but what can be done that wont break the bank?
Sorry, but about the only thing you can do is discuss the options with your vet, and see what option fits your budget, which might be the euthanasia option. I know it sounds harsh, but sometimes its the best thing for these little guys.

If he's friendly enough, you might be able to keep bandages on him to keep his wounds clean while he heals from the inside out, cats are pretty resilient, but he would have to be willing to deal with dressing changes and such.
It is amazing how resilient cats are. I actually have one barn cat inside right now with legs completely skinned and he gets bandaged and we put an ointment on him the vet gave us along with antibiotics. He is healing very nicely already. He has a spot on his rump pretty bad too that we can't bandage so I just try to keep him as clean as possible. If you put ointment on your boy it really needs to be bandaged or he'll just lick it off-otherwise if he won't go for that your vet will probably have a spray that will work.
Oh no!!!!!!!!!!! I hope he will be ok and yes, I would have the vet take a close look to offer some help. You will just have to draw the line on how much you want to spend, or if the vet even thinks he might make it. Cats can live through some pretty amazing things, but the vet seeing him in person might have a better idea. Poor kitty- I feel so bad. Please keep me posted.
Oh no so sorry to hear of this, but as others have said cats can survive some terrable injuries. the hard thing this time of year is to keep the flies off. We once found an injured feral kitten that was eaten up with fly larvy. If money is tight as it is for a lot of us, having the vet put your baby to sleep is the best option. If you want to try and save your baby, I wish you well, and good luck. Do you have a dog crate you can use for confinment? Do not use desitine or any oinment that contains zinc, furicine is good or even bag balm, any thing to keep the area moist and fly free. Is your baby eating and drinking? Put a pie pan in the crate with litter and try to keep the cat calm. that is all I can recommend.
Thanks I am off to the vet. He seems ok right now if you dont look at his left side! Ugh!!
Hope your guy is doing ok
One of our cats years ago was under the shredder when my husband started can imagine how bad she looked, and she survived. I raced her to the vet thinking she was going to lose an eye at best, and they were very reassuring - cats are resilient! She survived, her eye healed just fine and she lived for years. Have had them get stuck in the garage door when it came down (ouch!), and ran over one with the golf cart...being a barn cat is hazardous duty apparently LOL.

I keep some Vetericyn spray on hand now and use it on all animal injuries initially, kills all kinds of ugly infections. Hope your kitty recovers.

Just gat back from the vet. They ended up stiching him. He got over 20 stiches. I begged them to keep it affordable. They did, as much as they could. And I happy with the job. We have to go back twice. Once to look at it and once to get he stiches out. I am just glad he lived!!! Now my wallet is a ittle sore!
Sorry to hear about your wallet but glad Junior will be okay.
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sorry your wallet hurts, mine hurts today too just paid a over $300 vet bill, but glad your cat is alive and will be OK. I guess vet bills come with living on a farm.
It's always something... hope he does ok! keep us posted. No computer at home still but can check posts on here at least on break.
Thanks. We had a check up today and stiches will be removed next Wed. UGH!!!

Laurie you need to get you computer fixed!! I am havibg Laurie withdrawl
Just gat back from the vet. They ended up stiching him. He got over 20 stiches. I begged them to keep it affordable. They did, as much as they could. And I happy with the job. We have to go back twice. Once to look at it and once to get he stiches out. I am just glad he lived!!! Now my wallet is a ittle sore!
Zoey, I hope he will be OK and infections won't set in that will add to the bill! twenty stitches! Ay yi yi! The poor thing! Bless your heart for doing what you could to save him!

Many years ago I drove my car to a neighbors in the winter and came home, and an hour later started up my car and drove two miles to town for an errand, and when I came home I found one of our cats laying in the driveway. It had somehow gotten into the engine or something, I'll never really know, but maybe it went in there because of the warmth??? Anyway, it obviously had been near the fan belt, because the entire cat was literally skinned from head to toe. It was near death, and was one of the worst things you could imagine. My husband was gone. I knew there was no way the cat would live, so I had to get a gun and put it to death. I was bawling and screaming at the same time. It was a horrible thing to see!
OMG!!! That is aweful! That happens a lot. They try to get warm. There really is no way to even know it is going to happen. I am so sorry.

I think Jr will be ok. Now he is wanting to go back outside. I told him not until the stiches are removed! Jr's mom is a barn cat. She is really hard to catch. We caught her once and got her fixed. Since then I never I was never able to touch her. Anyway they are always togther. She she misses him. They are always hanging out and it is really cute. I know she thinks he is dead. I cant wait until she him.

I will post pics of his battle wounds.
OMG!!! That is aweful! That happens a lot. They try to get warm. There really is no way to even know it is going to happen. I am so sorry.

I think Jr will be ok. Now he is wanting to go back outside. I told him not until the stiches are removed! Jr's mom is a barn cat. She is really hard to catch. We caught her once and got her fixed. Since then I never I was never able to touch her. Anyway they are always togther. She she misses him. They are always hanging out and it is really cute. I know she thinks he is dead. I cant wait until she him.

I will post pics of his battle wounds.
What I never understood about my cat's trying to get warm is that we have a "cat house" built onto the south wall of our house, right on the patio. It's all enclosed, and insulated as well with the styrofoam 1" thick sheets, even one on the ground in there, plus there's a heat lamp inside it, turned on 24/7 during the cold months. There's a pet door for entrance that closes. Yes, that was a horrible thing to see.

We also had a barn cat once that really did have nine lives. This was 35 years ago, and he was not neutered, so sometimes he'd be gone overnight. Once he was gone for three days and when he came back his foot was hanging off him by a tendon. He'd gotten caught in an animal trap someone set out by the creek, and they must have gone and checked their traps and set him loose. The vet fixed him up and he was fine. Another time he was gone and came back with no tail! Once again he left and returned with one ear bitten completely off. then one other time my husband went into the barn and heard a pitiful yowling. He went out behind the barn where we had a water tank. There was a metal pipe that ran horizontally just above the tank. Apparently the cat had tried to drink out of the tank (when there were heated water dishes in the barn... duh!!!) and must have fallen in, then somehow gotten out and jumped onto the water pipe... which he FROZE to! OMG... his four feet were just frozen to the pipe! Hubby had to pour water on him to get him loose! That cat actually lived to be 16 years old!

I hope Jr. is doing well today! Please keep us updated! Or, maybe you have and I just haven't seen the post yet. I'll go look.
Just gat back from the vet. They ended up stiching him. He got over 20 stiches. I begged them to keep it affordable. They did, as much as they could. And I happy with the job. We have to go back twice. Once to look at it and once to get he stiches out. I am just glad he lived!!! Now my wallet is a ittle sore!
i am glad they could do something. How horrible... and i totally get you about costs... vets are almost as bad as the fuel pumps.
Well here he is. He looks soooo much better!!!


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