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Been watching
Nothing exciting yet huh?
She knows we are watching!! :new_shocked:

The dog in the other stall has not foaled yet either.
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I hope nothing is wrong with her. She has left the building!! Poor thing was rolling earlier. I thought she was gonna blow!! :new_shocked:
Remember it is only 4pm there so may be she is out walking


Okay the "clock" has said 3:59 for an hour LOL and the doggies stall is at 2:54
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None of the dogs will foal, I hope! :new_shocked:

Nana is at 5 squares on the predictafoal kit - milk is whiter, foal is lower - I don't know what she's waiting for, but I'm going to have to miss my class tomorrow I think!

I have been sitting here watching and she is circling and peeing now!
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I have been staring at her all morning (since 6am my time) and she looks to be getting SO close! darn it I have to go somewhere...
She's trying to drive me insane! She's had huge chunks of wax for a week now! She's gone through several rounds of "pre-labor" that look like actual labor almost... she is messing up my life!

Usually I can tell and rarely miss sleeping for more than a couple of days or maybe 4 - this has gone on twice that long! Argh! :no:
She is SO beautiful - what is her "official" color? What is she bred too?

PS-I now have my friends watching her too LOL I REALLY want to see this birth
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Nana is a "Blue Dun" (which is Grulla in any other breed!) She's bred to our Arabian Stallion Khornerstone KpM (aka "Beau") -they had a wonderful filly 2 years ago so we're hoping for a repeat!

Here's the other filly: "Chikhita BeauNana KpM"

I bet you are about to pull that baby out LOL I got up at 5:30 (my time) just knowing I missed it - but NO she is just sleeping
Nana is a "Blue Dun" (which is Grulla in any other breed!) She's bred to our Arabian Stallion Khornerstone KpM (aka "Beau") -they had a wonderful filly 2 years ago so we're hoping for a repeat!

Here's the other filly: "Chikhita BeauNana KpM"

Beautiful filly, love the name. :bgrin :lol: :bgrin
I don't know how true it is but I have heard that Icelandics are very closly related to truly wild horses and don't like to be fussed with. So, maybe she would like to be out in a paddock and have her baby outside? Bummer for us, but she might be holding back for a good chance to foal outside? Just a thought. :bgrin
I don't know how true it is but I have heard that Icelandics are very closly related to truly wild horses and don't like to be fussed with. So, maybe she would like to be out in a paddock and have her baby outside? Bummer for us, but she might be holding back for a good chance to foal outside? Just a thought. :bgrin

Not Nana - she wouldn't lay down and have the last one until I sat down in front of her stall! She's very much appreciative of the comforts of "modern life" here! :bgrin
I can't believe I missed it!! SHe has been on my screen all day (for the past few days LOL) I saw you in her stall on the phone then I headed down to make dinner etc and I just came up and what do I see?? A BABY!!!!! Tell me more
Congrats now you can get some sleep

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