Ironic that you ask now, at Easter, yes I've bartered in the past, saddles, work for board, and other things. Problem is in my state if you barter/trade, you need to pay taxes on it, so we try to keep it all under the table. Guess we are breaking the law, so we try to keep it quiet. Heres a story:
We have chickens, lots of eggs, and can't sell them to the public without government intervention, so we give alot away to neighbors and friends. Word has gotten out. Three weeks ago a woman her husband and their granson pull in the drive. I've met them before, they used to own a farm down the way, it was forclosed on, they are raising their grandson, as their daughter dumped him off and ran away. They are living in camper, anywhere and everywhere. He's ill and lost his job, she makes and sells jewelry to get buy, I think they get some public assistance with food since they have a minor child, but I have not asked. They have been here before, and I've given them eggs. Well they come buy, the kid gets out of the truck and goes to see the minis, not a problem, I give them three dozen eggs, really I don't need them, she says that I must pick a braclet from her collection. I say I don't really wear jewelry, and to save it for a paying customer. Well she says I will insult her if I don't trade the eggs for a braclet. OK, I'll pick one. She has about thirty, there is only one that catches my eye, it has blue teardrops, 12 to be exact, that is the one I take. As most of you know that have been here awhile, I lost one of my daughters in Sept to an accident, so I thought the tear drops would remind me of all the tears I've cried since her passing. For the first week it did, then a realization hit me, the tears are really not for my pain, they should signal to me the pain and suffering that our fellow Americans suffer every day, with homlessness, desperation, and loss of hope. I should remember this woman and her efforts to survive and all of my fellow Americans that have less then I do, becuase at any time we could become them. I hope she comes back for more eggs, I'll offer her a hug and maybe our garden will be producing then and I can offer her some veggies as well. I don't need another braclet, as this one hasn't been taken off in three weeks.