NOW she looks pregnant! See how there appears to be a sort of 'straight' line visible from her udder down to under her tummy in the latest pics? Bet you will see her tummy slowly start to drop from now on.
So the edema has started disappearing from the front of her udder and it seems to be filling up a bit more today, she's also rolling heaps and swishing her tail a lot but she hasn't dropped a heap just a bit but no V and her vulva isn't much more relaxed or swollen.
Just had the vet out to double check for me and she's pretty sure Beyonce is in early labour as gut sounds are fine so she isn't colicky but she's been pacing and sitting down, then standing back up and pawing on and off all afternoon. She has slight discharge from her vulva which is still relatively tight but the vet isn't too concerned at this point.
Just catching up with the news - hope evrything is ok. Good luck and keep us posted. As Diane said, dont leave her for a minute and keep your vet on speed dial/informed of progress just in case.
So we had this coupled with a whole lot of tail twitching until 1pm and since then nada although she's still not as piggy as she usually is and is generally a bit restless. Her udder is still not as full as i'd like but being maiden she'll probably fill up during or just after foaling. Vet isn't worried at this stage. Her vulva is slowly getting darker.
It is possible that the foal was turning to make its way into the final delivery position and as at this stage the foal would be pretty large, it caused poor Beyonce to be feeling very uncomfortable? Hope things settle down for her for a bit longer - dont forget we are expecting/hoping to see a Christmas baby!
Should be soon I watched my friends maiden do the same exact thing.
. Two days after she seemed like she was ready to I said Saturday is the charm. Sure enough I wrapped her tail and a half an hour later well less than a half an hour popped out a baby in less then 3 minutes.
I have too maiden mare pregnant, allthought she is foaling like after 2 or 3½ months from now. But it´s great to read about other ones foalings now when hoping that own mare keeps it in for a while.
Well she's completely back to normal, belly has changed shape and is high and tight again, udder has gone back up and vulva completely tight. It's like it never even happened. I have no idea.