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An informative vet visit! Seems there is always something new to learn and Billy must have enjoyed being admired by everyone. 🤩

It was interesting to read that driving Billy, lightly, is ok even with some lameness in the hind end! I suppose similar to a person with mobility issues, moving is important and beneficial.

He looks awfully cute in his headgear! 😍
I've never heard of a Lameness Locator. Interesting. I'm glad his lameness isn't too severe (or the vet would have noticed right off the bat), thank goodness. I hate that he has to go on meds, but thankfully you two will still be able to enjoy your outings.
Oh, dear. I put Billy behind the golf cart to go to a neighbor's to pick squash. Half way there I looked back and he was favoring a front hoof. I stopped to check if there was a rock in his hoof but his feet looked fine. The neighbor has a tie ring, so I went on slowly to the house. I had not put his boots on him as I was lazy.
I left him tied while I rushed home in the golf cart (.6 miles) to get his boots. Picked up the banamine also. Dosed him, and put his boots on and we went home at a slow walk. Didn't feel any heat in his feet. So, hopefully it is just a bruise and not the start of the "L" word. He has not been laying down
Oh, dear. I put Billy behind the golf cart to go to a neighbor's to pick squash. Half way there I looked back and he was favoring a front hoof. I stopped to check if there was a rock in his hoof but his feet looked fine. The neighbor has a tie ring, so I went on slowly to the house. I had not put his boots on him as I was lazy.
I left him tied while I rushed home in the golf cart (.6 miles) to get his boots. Picked up the banamine also. Dosed him, and put his boots on and we went home at a slow walk. Didn't feel any heat in his feet. So, hopefully it is just a bruise and not the start of the "L" word. He has not been laying down

🤞Hopefully it is just a bruise. With you doctoring him right away should help, and that "L" word LOVE is obvious between you and Billy😊
He is not limping but just acts really stiff. I can hardly get him to back up one step. Got a call in to the vet to ask for advice. He's on equiox, joint supplement, and Adequan. I just feel as though he is really uncomfortable. Haven't walked him, except just for grooming. He is not laying down, so I don't think it is laminitis. I think it is just "old horse", even though he isn't that old. I am wondering what his early life was--maybe big kids rode him.
Anyway, he is not doing better and I am wondering what advice the vet can give me.
He does get out and amble around, grazing, so he gets some movement.
What advice can those of you with older arthritic horses give?
He's so lucky to be in your home with care and maintenance! I'm glad you're doing the equiox and adequan. I bought a Bemer set for my horses - Falcor and my daughter's mare Special, who has some arthritic changes in her front fetlocks. It doesn't seem to slow her down (she's only 16) but we want to keep her going for years and years to come, she's such a good girl. I'm not sure if someone in your area does Bemer sessions? PEMF technology is really amazing. I have a loop (KT Tape makes them and you can buy them on Amazon) that I wear periodically when something is sore and it makes a huge difference.

Let us know what the vet suggests. ❤️
Vet has not called me back yet. I will try again on Monday. Vet is like the fat police, really giving me a hard time over Billy's weight. Maybe he won't call me back because he knows I'm not trying hard enough to get Billy's weight down.
Billy is really "stove up", as the old cowboys used to say, today. I gave him banamine. If it turns out to be laminitis I don't know what I'll do. He doesn't have any outward symptoms of that, though he was reluctant to walk on the gravel driveway. No hot feet. No laying down. I don't know how else to tell.
I will give him Banamine instead of the equiox tomorrow also.


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Billy is such a sweetie 🥰 hopefully you can get expert feedback on Monday!

In the meantime, it may help to confine him to a stall or small area you can bed down in shavings or straw, which will help give relief and limit movement.

I’ve also used liniment or a liniment wash to help relax the muscles overall, especially in the neck, hip, and shoulder area. It seemed to help.

As Standard Equine says - let us know!
Sorry to hear he's not doing well. Arthritis can be tough, they say keep them active. You are already doing pretty much everything I could think of to help it. If it's laminitis it's not the end of the word, although your vet is probably going to give you a hard time. They don't always lay down with it. But you should notice shifting his weight from foot to foot, standing odd, giving a really hard time picking up his feet, or not wanting to walk on hard surfaces or gravel....and since that's an issue I would worry. I'd be cold hosing his feet and giving banamine just in case.
Vet has not called me back yet. I will try again on Monday. Vet is like the fat police, really giving me a hard time over Billy's weight. Maybe he won't call me back because he knows I'm not trying hard enough to get Billy's weight down.
Billy is really "stove up", as the old cowboys used to say, today. I gave him banamine. If it turns out to be laminitis I don't know what I'll do. He doesn't have any outward symptoms of that, though he was reluctant to walk on the gravel driveway. No hot feet. No laying down. I don't know how else to tell.
I will give him Banamine instead of the equiox tomorrow also.
I have no knowledge on laminitis. Just passing on, that my friend's mini mare, over weight, started limping with front hoof, and standing in her pee. Farrier didn't see any issues with the hoof. The vet diagnosed laminitis. The vet put her on Bute & another med, had her standing in water until the boots she ordered came in. Cut her hay intake down. Vet also didn't like the way the farrier trimmed her, so the farrier came out again and trimmed per vet's instructions. The mare is doing much better, off meds and boots. I'm not saying this is the same for Billy, each is different, just sharing information.
I hope the vet gets back with you soon. Vets are so hard to reach and to get to come out. A real shortage. Seems to be everywhere.
Sorry to hear Billy is not feeling 100%. Can you put him in his hoof boots and keep him in his corral for a few days or til the vet gets in touch? I'd probably soak his hay and parcel it out slowly so he doesn't get bored.
I forget, did you just have him tested for Cushing's? I might mention that to the vet.
Keeping my fingers crossed he's feeling better today.

edit: you probably know this but if he's on equioxx be careful giving the banamine with it, you might want to hold the equioxx while he's on banamine as both are antinflammatories and the risk of side effect go up if they are given together.
Sorry to hear Billy is not feeling 100%. Can you put him in his hoof boots and keep him in his corral for a few days or til the vet gets in touch? I'd probably soak his hay and parcel it out slowly so he doesn't get bored.
I forget, did you just have him tested for Cushing's? I might mention that to the vet.
Keeping my fingers crossed he's feeling better today.

edit: you probably know this but if he's on equioxx be careful giving the banamine with it, you might want to hold the equioxx while he's on banamine as both are antinflammatories and the risk of side effect go up if they are given together.
Yes, I was told about the banamine/equioxx. I'm giving him banamine now, second day. I'll do it one more day then hopefully he can stay just on equioxx.
I do think it is laminitis, after observing him for a few days. He is confined. Former owner said he had no metabolic trouble at all, so it is obviously our wonderful pasture that is the culprit. His blood panel from a few months ago was excellent. I am supposing this is a flare episode. Yes, vet will probably give me a hard time--I have to really work on my temper when working with him as he puts my back up.
I will put Billy's boots on him.
The thick silver honey on the belly fly spot seems to be working. I've thought of wrapping vet wrap around his middle! I hate flies on my horses.
This morning he is looking better but still not walking freely. Today we go back to equiox. I left his boots on all night; removed them this morning and I'll see if they helped.
I think the last batch of hay I got must have a high sugar content. He ate every blade. I have a couple of bales of the other hay left and I'm going to use it again. Maybe that tasty hay caused this episode?

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