I have always been confused when it came to my "silver black" minis.
The sire (sold): http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/dagnillos+crown+jewels
He is registered as Grey on AMHR and Grullo on AMHA. Neither is correct. He's a black appaloosa...obviously. I have met his dam. She is a silver sabino? mare. Very beautiful. Sire is a supposed black pinto? No pictures that I know of. HOWEVER, the sire does have Roan Ranger close in his lines.
Dam (still owned by us): http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/bl+hooten+hollows+bow+tie
She is registered as Cremello on AMHR. She IS cremello. Blue eyes. White hooves. Pink skin. No black what-so ever. Sire is a smokey black (registered as black but not possible) pinto and dam is palomino pinto. No pictures of either.
Offspring: http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/pete15
This is our 2 year old gelding (Just clipped for a show on Saturday and another on the 20th!) Pete. Not yet registered AMHR but will be. I've been too preoccupied money wise lately to shell out the money.
He has appaloosa spots. He also has appaloosa mottling on his genitals (only underneath his tail at the moment) and on his nose (Just now coming in!)
The only reason that I was thinking roan was because another person (a member on here and a friend on FB) mentioned that she thought our ex-stallion (sold) was roan. Not appaloosa. (However he is. He's also thrown appaloosa foals from non-appaloosa bred mares.) It is possible. The stallion did have a relative with roan. He also had a darker head and legs than his body. So does this gelding (head at least)
1. Was the stallion roan?
2. Is the 2 year old roan?
3. Can horses be silver and not have dapples?
I ask the 3rd question for 3 reasons.
-The stallion didn't have dapples
-His 2 year old son doesn't have dapples.
-Nor does his 2 year old daughter who we thought was silver. (I'm thinking she's only a black appaloosa with sabino roaning. LOTS of sabino actually. lol.)
The gelding needs his hooves trimmed. He's due for a trim this Friday btw which is when I'm planning on having them done.
He certainly is the poster child for perfect conformation isn't he? NOT!
Feel free to suggest hints on what I can do with him in the future. He has a pretty good trot surprisingly and we're learning how to pivot for showmanship. (YES. We. lol. I've never taught a horse to pivot!) I'd love to train him how to drive this fall (ground driving only) or next spring; but I'm not sure his back would withstand the pressure. etc.
The sire (sold): http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/dagnillos+crown+jewels

He is registered as Grey on AMHR and Grullo on AMHA. Neither is correct. He's a black appaloosa...obviously. I have met his dam. She is a silver sabino? mare. Very beautiful. Sire is a supposed black pinto? No pictures that I know of. HOWEVER, the sire does have Roan Ranger close in his lines.
Dam (still owned by us): http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/bl+hooten+hollows+bow+tie

She is registered as Cremello on AMHR. She IS cremello. Blue eyes. White hooves. Pink skin. No black what-so ever. Sire is a smokey black (registered as black but not possible) pinto and dam is palomino pinto. No pictures of either.
Offspring: http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/pete15

This is our 2 year old gelding (Just clipped for a show on Saturday and another on the 20th!) Pete. Not yet registered AMHR but will be. I've been too preoccupied money wise lately to shell out the money.
He has appaloosa spots. He also has appaloosa mottling on his genitals (only underneath his tail at the moment) and on his nose (Just now coming in!)
The only reason that I was thinking roan was because another person (a member on here and a friend on FB) mentioned that she thought our ex-stallion (sold) was roan. Not appaloosa. (However he is. He's also thrown appaloosa foals from non-appaloosa bred mares.) It is possible. The stallion did have a relative with roan. He also had a darker head and legs than his body. So does this gelding (head at least)
1. Was the stallion roan?
2. Is the 2 year old roan?
3. Can horses be silver and not have dapples?
I ask the 3rd question for 3 reasons.
-The stallion didn't have dapples
-His 2 year old son doesn't have dapples.
-Nor does his 2 year old daughter who we thought was silver. (I'm thinking she's only a black appaloosa with sabino roaning. LOTS of sabino actually. lol.)
The gelding needs his hooves trimmed. He's due for a trim this Friday btw which is when I'm planning on having them done.
He certainly is the poster child for perfect conformation isn't he? NOT!

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