Bluegrass Miniature Horse Sale -- Who's Going?

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Mar 31, 2007
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Hi, Everayone! Was just checking to see who will be attending the Bluegrass Miniature Horse Sale in Shelbyville, KY - April 14. Tack Sale is Saturday at 8:30 a.m. provided by Ray Farmer and Double Diamond Tack. Horse Sale starts at Noon. The sale catalog is posted on the clubs web site

Bluegrass Miniature Horse Club

Friday afternoon and night is always a great time to check out the horses and meet new horse people.

Hope to see you at the sale!
We are going. We went last year as well, but did not end up buying any horses,

even though I would have liked to.

We did buy a lot of tack and even a cart.

I'm really looking forward to it. I was hoping to go on Friday night, but we are still

watching an overdue mare..sigh.... So we may only get to come on Saturday.
We will be coming hopefully both Friday and Saturday. Same with us last year didn't buy any horses, but bought a lot of tack and some portable stalls. Nice sale. We got our first 2 minis there. Was wondering why the consignors have been taken off of the horses listed in the sale catalog? Was wanting to see what lot numbers the 2 that R.C. Shelburne is selling were?
I was planning to attend but i have someone picking up their horse that day. So many miniature sales going on this year, i need to make it out to more this season.
I'm sorry to say that we are not. We have often wanted to but every year it is during the Equine Affaire and that makes it impossible. Hope it all goes well. Maybe we will have some heat by then.
We are in the same position as Mistyrose. Can't ever go because it's always the same weekend as the Equine Affaire. Wish it was different so we could do both.
Could someone tell me where and when the sale is. I tried going to the site, but my computer hates me and won't let me access any of the info. I would like to know the location and time and any general info. Thanks Samantha
I will be working the silent auction table & Lee will be doing whatever Don needs him to do. Don't forget to buy your chance on the beautiful golf/ utility cart.

10th Annual Bluegrass Miniature Horse Club Sale

Shelbyville County Fairgrounds, Shelbyville, Kentucky

April 13th - Preview of Horses

April 14th - Auction - - Starts at 9:00 a.m.

For more information and to see the pedigrees & pictures go to

Contact: Don Rickert [email protected]
We will be there - shopping on behalf of a friend.

Samantha S --- here is some more info.

Shelby County Fairgrounds

Shelbyville, KY

Most of the horses will arrive on Friday night -- around 4:00 -and you can see them then.

The sale will start about 8:30ish with TACK -- and horses will start around noonish.

It is supposed to RAIN big time this weekend - so be prepared for COLD and WET weather.

The sale is in a nice INDOOR RING with quite a few of the horses stabled in there. The rest of the horses will be in stalls in barns pretty close by. VERY NICE FACILITIES - and the club members and people working at the auction are extremely nice and very helpful. This is a great sale to go to.

Cathy already gave you the link for the sale book of pedigrees, description and maybe photos too (have not seen those yet myself).

Will you be coming via I-64??

I like to go this way ---

If travelling WESTBOUND - take exit 35 (KY 53) and turn right at the top of the ramp --- proceed to the traffic light where the McDonalds is -- and turn LEFT onto KY 60 -- go several miles - the Fairgrounds will be on the RIGHT just after a light.

If travelling EASTBOUND - take exit 32B (KY 55) and cross over the interstate -- pass Walmarts -- get to

KY 60 and turn right --- the Fairgrounds will be on your LEFT eventually.

Here is a mapquest of Shelbyville:

Hope to see you there.

Hubby and I will be going, should be there by mid-afternoon on Friday. We're taking 3 really nice mares, 2 heavy in foal. Lots 2, 17 (I think) and 33. Y'all come and bid now, ya hear!!!

Makes me really sad to take these gals to auction, but have made a promise to both Ed and myself that by next winter there will only be half as many horses in the barn to take care of. Sure hope they get the good homes they deserve.
Ginia - is that photo of Lot 2 really your mare? WOW that girl can MOVE!!!

I hope she brings a lot of money for you at the sale.

Hi BlueRocket -- yes, #2 is the mare. She's such a sweet gal, getting a bit of age on her but gave us a beautiful filly last year with no problems, and settled right back in foal. THIS year she'll probably produce the bright palomino filly I had hoped for last year and got a brown one LOL. It's kinda hard when you have to make some of the life decisions that come our way, but with back problems and a terrible winter still fresh in my mind, selling the mares that had been added most recently to my herd (that had the least time for me to get completely attached to them) seems to make sense. Get my numbers down a bit and maybe actually have the time and energy to really DO something to enjoy those that are left. Would like to have time to do more driving, visit and share with nursing homes, etc. All work and no play was making real inroads in turning this "Jack" into a dull "boy" LOL.
I can sure understand the logic between having to downsize -- We had over 20 at one time - last year had 13 - now we are downsizing to 5. It is really hard as many of them are our "children" - but we just don't have the time nor money to care for them all like I would like to.

See you at the sale.

This was a really great sale this year... :aktion033:

There were lots of quality horses this year. I thought the

Prices were fairly good as well. Most of the horses were in the $800-$1800 range.

One Rowdy bred mare brought over $3500.00

I bought lot #2 a Fishers bred mare due to foal in June. My daughter

is just thrilled with her.

The weather was less than good, but everything was indoors and there

seem to be a good turnout.

Anyone looking for nice horses and/or tack, needs to put this sale on your list for

next year.

A big Thank you to the Bluegrass Miniature Horse Club. :aktion033:

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