Hard to believe that we're 10 weeks old today. She's a stinker for sure though! She does not spend too much time with her dam, instead she spends her time with her half-sister. When she's not with her sister she slips underneath our LIVE hotwire fence and joins her gelded sister, her gelded half-brother, and the 2013 colt I've been waiting to geld (until testicle #2 drops....). Thankfully none of our boys are aggressive towards her, and her sire watches over her pretty well until she rejoins the mare herd to nurse from her dam.
She is definitely a chunky filly. I don't have too many complaints about her, and I've actually been fortunate enough to have conformation pictures of her full sister as a foal that I have used for comparison. Let me tell you, Adeline is DEFINITELY the better filly out of the two, despite looking like a body builder. I am going to have to put her dam on a mare/foal feed since she has lost weight over the past month.
But, pictures!
8 weeks old:
She is definitely a chunky filly. I don't have too many complaints about her, and I've actually been fortunate enough to have conformation pictures of her full sister as a foal that I have used for comparison. Let me tell you, Adeline is DEFINITELY the better filly out of the two, despite looking like a body builder. I am going to have to put her dam on a mare/foal feed since she has lost weight over the past month.
But, pictures!

8 weeks old:

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