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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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London, ON
Well...I saw (and rode) Brandy (the CSH mare). She's gorgeous. I'm humming and hawing though and I'll write more after I take my crazy dogs for a walk...
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Oh, c'mon!!!!! That is soooo not fair!!!!!

Soooo, congrats are in order?? LOL

LOL. Well...she was super to ride. She's very green for a 12 year old (the owner backed her at 3 and basically just hacked her). She rides more like a 4 year old; she couldn't balance herself at the canter in the indoor arena (ridden mostly outside on trails). But it's all just training stuff and I really only want to hack on her (my A Circuit hunter/jumper days are over
). She moves like a dream and could easily event or be an A Circuit hunter with some more training. I'm in
. My friend keeps telling me to get her and that she can stay at her place for as long as I want for the cost of feed, which is perfect because she has three other horses that we all go for rides on. My only
is, do I really need another animal? I may have, potentially, 2 litters of Berners this summer, a foal in May, kittens, not to mention my other beasts. They're all cared for exquisitely...and I want to keep it that way
. And Brandy would be in a great place (she's a vet tech and a GREAT know her, Mary Lou
). It's a time and $ thing. Hmmmmmm.
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While I have never ridden "professionally" I have always loved a good ride, trails, etc. When I was an adult and able to buy/keep my own I began having my own ride
Life happens, had to sell and try to survive. Yrs later, more riders which I loved again. Then, no time. Placed mare in loving home. Sadly decided my riding days were not sufficient for owning one.

Fast forward many, many years
Own a herd of minis at this time. STILL have the desire to ride but, cannot justify buying for the few hrs a yr I would actually do so. Several friends have their horses who are not being used. I have found that I can help them by riding theirs on occassion!

If you truly feel you cannot give this mare more than she is now receiving, maybe you should continue to ride those of your friend and help them out in doing so! I know, I know it isn't the "same" but I have fought with myself over this several times in looking at a "great for me, needs me" horse. To date I have no biggies and find this is the right decision. One phone call and I could ride today. It isn't the same when you consider the emotional contact but, I have a farm full of minis to provide that.

Just a consideration. Matt, if I were your age and not my own 63, I probably buy that girl
She sounds lovely! You know you can always buy her and find someone to half lease her perhaps they would be more into the hunter circuit and you can enjoy her on trails.

The horse gets the best of both worlds
Matt, although I have never owned a big horse and only the minis, is there any possibility you could lease her out for a few monthes and then make you decision, because with the leasing, you caould see how well careing for her fits in with the rest of your schedule. just a suggestion. best of luck
great suggestions, see if you can lease her for the summer, and than decide.

Good Luck
Great suggestions everyone. Thanks! No, I don't think that there is any option to lease her. She would be staying at my friends' place where I go to ride her horses anyway. So...I suppose things are leaning more toward me getting her
Matt- I think you might be asking this on the wrong forum. You might want go to horse owners anonymous. Probably 3/4's of the people on here think, what's one more horse.
Matt- I think you might be asking this on the wrong forum. You might want go to horse owners anonymous. Probably 3/4's of the people on here think, what's one more horse.
LOL. So true. The truth is she wouldn't be a burden at all, since she'll be "boarded" (my paying for her feed etc....not actual board per se). It's just a little nerve-wracking; a huge decision
And I want to make the right one for me and for the mare.
Sounds like you're really excited about her. From what you're telling us she sounds like she would fit right in to your life. I want to run this by you....a wise horse person once told me, "Give it two weeks. Don't obsess on whether you should or should not buy her. Try to keep you mind on your everyday life and routine. If during those two weeks your thoughts keep coming back to her, and at the end of those two weeks you feel as tho you can't live without her...then you'll know what to do".

Was that any help?????
Sounds like you're really excited about her. From what you're telling us she sounds like she would fit right in to your life. I want to run this by you....a wise horse person once told me, "Give it two weeks. Don't obsess on whether you should or should not buy her. Try to keep you mind on your everyday life and routine. If during those two weeks your thoughts keep coming back to her, and at the end of those two weeks you feel as tho you can't live without her...then you'll know what to do".
Was that any help?????

YES! Thanks "Sterling". I can't stop thinking about her (but I'm a bit obsessive and impulsive...Hence, really trying to think this out
). The sweets is giving the go-ahead
Aaaaaaaaaaaa! I think I'm jumping in
(Is everyone ready for TONS of horse pics?!).
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Okay. I've made a decision. I'm not going to buy her. There are many reasons why I shouldn't and only a few reasons why I should. Thanks for your advice and help everyone
Matt, sounds like you made the right decision for you. You thought it out and got your answer. Doesnt mean another time wont be the right time to get a biggee...

I want Lexus to foal so I can get hit with all the pictures!!
You just gained all my respect. It is extremely difficult to want something so badly but to decide against it for the good of the animal and the human both. Wow! you are great in my eyes.
Okay. I've made a decision. I'm not going to buy her. There are many reasons why I shouldn't and only a few reasons why I should. Thanks for your advice and help everyone
Glad you did the list. You know what is best for you.

what about another mini
Ha!! I just come into this thread Matt and see you already made up your mind.. LOL!! I was going to say "go for it!!"..
Only thing I see is in the future you will wish you had her at your home..

Have fun with her Matt..

Thanks Mary Lou. But I did say that I wasn't getting her
BUT...I'm all over the place and literally am thinking one way one minute and the other the next
I think that that is a minus, her not being at my place; we just aren't ready for a biggie here yet (paddock space/stall). I know she'd get great care at my friend's place and she really wants me to get her
. I'm trying to think about it all logically (time, money, etc.). I'm the king of impulsiveness, so I'm trying to think this through logically. I'll let you all know my final decision within a couple of days (if I'm not totally crazy by that point

P.S. I'm going to ride her again this Saturday (I didn't ride her outside and want to see how she is).
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