Parm, Ive seen pics of Corona and hes nice so take this advice and be downright MEAN! tell her no way uh-uh never!!
I have to admit I was thinking the same thing - now I did justify my own actions by breeding a mare who had a dwarf and i will NEVER do it again... it was simply that my trying to justify my actions with reasoning that seemed to "fit what I wanted to hear ":Why is it then, that nobody will breed to a dwarf, (rightiously so!) yet, many WILL breed a horse again, that has produced a dwarf.
Genetically speaking, aren't the chances of producing another dwarf not the same, from a true dwarf...and a dwarf gene carrier?
Honestly...what IS the difference?:
I would guess we've all been guilty of similar reasoning to a degree. I know I have. The one mare that had the little filly I am referring to had an underbite (less than a half tooth) and a domish head. She wasn't badly conformed other wise though in hindsight she DID have a large frame for her height (which I think is a "characteristic" esp. when combined with others).I have to admit I was thinking the same thing - now I did justify my own actions by breeding a mare who had a dwarf and i will NEVER do it again... it was simply that my trying to justify my actions with reasoning that seemed to "fit what I wanted to hear "
I do have her mailing address and the certified letter is an AWESOME idea! I will start putting it together tonight plus I'll make a list of the dates/times I've arealdy tried to contact her via email and phone.Do you have her mailing address? I would send her a certified letter, advising how much is owed and state when it needs to be paid by and the horses need to be picked up by such and such a date. Make sure your letter is thorough and you may want to even give a breakdown on a summary of the charges- board is how much per day, for how many days, etc.... for two horses...... Check it and double check it so that it is all covered.
Honestly, I'd really be OK with that. At this point I just want the whole situation to be over. She gave me $200 as a deposit on the breeding, but nothing toward board, feed, etc. The check cleared my bank a month ago so I at least have that. It probably doesn't cover everything because I've wormed and vaccinated these mares, I had their feet done and I've had the one cultured. Plus I've been giving them quality feed and they don't even look like the same horses they did a month ago. It's amazing how quickly these little guys can rebound if they're just given proper care.What if she shows up to get her mares and refuses to pay you anything?