Breeding Question

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2004
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Whats the lastest in the year that you would breed?

One of my mares, who hasn't shown heat since March, started showing yesterday. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to breed her to my stallion for a 2007 foal. I've had him for 4 years and still no babies. I'm tired of waiting, but since its so late in the year I'm wondering if I should put it off until next spring.

What would you do? How many of you breed this late in the season?

My mom and aunt each have a mare they are trying to breed yet. I guess it's just how you feel about late foals. I would give it a whirl if it were me.
We'll continue breeding until late October when we just run out of time and have to turn people away. The more applicable questions are: how important is it to get a foal? and how late in the year do you want to be foaling?
I personally don't breed after June, because I generally want to be able to go to shows, and I couldn't if I had mares due to foal. Also, here it can get awfully hot during the summer and it is miserable to be heavily pregnant in the summer heat-- been there done that!

But, I see you are in Oregon, maybe it isn't so hot there. It really is a personal decision, as in, will you be able to be around to watch the mare when she is near foaling time? Will the weather be decent?

If you "really really" want a foal by her, and you think the timing will work for you, I say go for it!
I bred a mare on Thanksgiving one year. We had bred her every month that year, she just never caught- till that day! And we only covered her once!

I usually stop breeding in late June. However, if there is a certian mare that I really want bred and hasn't got settled I would try an extra month. I defintelly don't want a July baby, too hot here.
Try to keep this short, my husband's Uncle, has a pony that tried for about 3 years to get pregnant, hand and pasture bred, every winter around January - Febuary, still came into cycle.

He decided to put them together in a big stall for the winter months, well she has had 5 foals and she has her foals in December and January, no problem.

Has tryed to move the date up no success.

She likes to be bred late and in cold weather.

There barn is warm, being a dairy farmer. Lucky
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If you are set up to deal with a late foal go for it.

A word of warning, Rabbit was born at 5.30am September 28th.


I also, by mistake, had a foal born December 27th- it did not get out of the stall, which was luckily huge, for nearly two months, it snowed, it hailed it froze- it chucked everything at us that year!!!

The foal was wearing a little rug (and there were NO foal rugs in those days my friend ran him up one) for the first month.

But, if you can cope go ahead
Mother Nature basically started the "Spring birthing trend" as that's when, in most areas the thaw happens and there is ample forage, better weather.

People tend to "help" plan foaling to co-ordinate with their lives schedules :lol: So, area weather, life's committments (shows, school, work, weaning/sales, etc.) are considered when planning the breeding --- well, that is IF they are planning it
: Many prefer early foals so they will be ready to show or sell in the summer, or mature enough to show then. Remember that a Dec foal must show with the yearlings in April -- now THAT is hardship -- but, if not showing a foal, doesn't matter, right?

Sounds like you are wanting to keep the foal. So except for comfort of mare, I can't see any reason to NOT breed her now. I've had several late in year foals -- 2 that are 1 month old now, and 5 mares waiting to foal (waiting for what, I don't know!! Just making ME wait!) . Heck, I'm keeping some and the others can be marketed next Spring, no problem.

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