breeding the tiny stallions

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well thanks all! Just a while longer and Dragon will be in his glory!!!
Robin, your small stallion will find a way to breed the mares. I have two 28" stallions and a 29 1/2" one and they don't have any problems other than sometimes they have trouble getting around the mares tails so since I hand breed, I usually hold the mares tail out of the way for them.

We built a breeding chute for our 29" stallion. We do breed 34" -38" mares...our own and outside mares.

You will see a cement slab on the back side of the chute, this is where the stallion stands. There used to be an old corn bin on the slab, this works perfectly for our stallion as he is on solid ground with his hind feet (no sliding around on muddy days). We left the top board on the back of chute shorter so he had room to put his front legs and not get them squeezed between the mare and the top board. The pipe you see is put in front of the mare's chest to hold her against the back of the chute. We have not had any problems with mares jumping over the pipe. There are extra holes there for different heights of mares, so we don't get the pipe too high or too low at her chest. This is a two person to hold the mare and one to control the stallion. We never tie the mare in the chute for safety reasons.

Hope this helps.






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