Bursitis- Anyone have experience with it?

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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2005
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Wainfleet, Ontario, Canada
Do you have experience with it that you could share? Does it have a major impact on your life and physical activities, treatments?

Thank you

I have bursitis in my knee. Was diagnosed way back around 1986. They wanted to shoot cortisone in my knee and I wouldn't do it. Put me on Motrin. It comes and goes. Haven't had any pain from it in several years, but now have it in my shoulder. Can't take Motrin anymore due to other meds and health issues, so I just deal with the pain, and believe me it is painful.

I'm sorry you have to deal with this and would be interested to know how they're treating yours. Good luck!
My dad had it for years in both shoulders. It got so painfully he couldn't lift his arms so he had surgery on both but at different times, he is fine now, never will be 100% but then again he is 67. But he is able to do what he wants to do and that includes farming some and working livestock, cattle and goats.
I have been diagnosed twice in the past with bursitis. worst was in the heels. the specialist had me do strtching exercises but it did not go away til i started riding dressage (heels down!).

i also had it in my shoulder for awhile. cortisone shots helped for about 3 months. chiropracter helped it go away (plus i quit showing rabbits! LOL the carriers and moving cages killed it).

Well they diagnosised it my knee- probablly due to an injury a couple of years ago- I have been treating it at home with the advil, rest, ice, then went to heat with out getting a clear answer to what it was- and the Dr. said that there are sure it is bursitis and not tendaontis and all the other itisies there is -

Perscribed some med( not here yet) as the advil was doing nothing and said we will start here- but the swelling has been quite large for the last 3 weeks and thinks we might have to up the therapy to something else but did not tell me what- come back in 10 days and see if the new med works.

I was kind of wondering what was next- have had the cortisone shots in my wrist when I was a teen- and really would prefer not to go there if it can be helped.

Candleliteranch- does the swelling get in the way of your knee working- because the swelling is quite something inside and prevents me from locking the knee which makes me unstable on my feet- I don't like, and is the swelling always there?

minimomNC- What kind of surgury?

justjinx- did it go away in your heels because of the stretching excersizes or the dressage?


Tiffany--the excerises did not seem to help as much as riding dressage for some reason. Maybe just the stretching of the heels and body in the saddle did a better job than stretching against a wall in standing position? All i know is it went away and never came back. of course, i do not ever wear high heels anymore either! just good supportive walking shoes...

My bursistis partially dislocated my left hip the swelling was so severe. My doctor went right for the cortizone in both hips. That stuff is the silver bullet. Since you've had it I'm sure you know how badly they hurt, but those injections had me walking within hours.

I needed 3 injections in my left hip and 2 in my right hip over the course of a year. And since then, I've had very few issues. My hips only hurt if I've been on my feet too long or the weather is cold and dank. That was 10 years ago now, I guess...
The swelling wasn't bad unless I was doing a lot of horseback riding or walking. We were at the outerbanks NC for vacation and I couldn't even walk the beach. It really doesn't swell much anymore. I also have arthritis in my hands. When I am done riding, I have to physically pry my hand open to let go of the reins.
I had bursitis in my shoulders. It went away with heat and exercise and not doing the repetitive motion of my job that got me the bursitis in the first place. I was told to put a heating pad on my shoulder and let the heat sink in well, then bend over at the waist, resting on a chair back or cupboard and let my arm hang down loosely and limp. Slowly circle it several times right, left, forward and back. I can't tell you how good that felt when I was done.

I had bursitis in my hips. Nothing I did helped. I got tired of staying still so as not to aggrivate the inflammation so I got up and walked and walked and walked right through the pain. Darned if it didn't work. I have no idea why.

I had bursitis in my heels. I went to physical therapy and they did ultrasound heat therapy, foot massages and stretching and other exercises. I also lost 30 pounds. All that combination did the trick.

Can't wait to see what aging throws at me next !!! (NOT!)

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