Butlers in Ohio

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2003
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I did get an email from Greg Butler, who as you all know, has had some SERIOUS health problems lately. He let me know that his wife Sherry, went to the hospital with a blood clot to her left lung!!!! :new_shocked:

He said at that time that she should recover, but I have not heard since and don't know how much he is able to get up and around on email.

How much more can these folks take?? Please send your prayers to these wonderful folks in wishing them well!!

If anyone knows, please let me know how things are going with them - they are in Ohio and I'm in AZ, so am not close by!
Laurie i had posted about this previously but i think its already page 2. I am so upset about this. I cant even imagine the stress they are under and i worry about rhett. I did ask marcy siilver if there was anything at all i could do but she said not yet. Im praying so hard for them.

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