It is certainly possible for a horse to do both disciplines and do them well. The Whitemans here in Washington State have several fine examples of that out in the ring at any given time and many other local owners have at least one horse that does both. In my experience the horse is likely to be better at one than the other but which one depends on how they were trained and how you currently drive them as well as their individual movement and build.
To the horse, the show is easier than the CDE.
from cde to show ring is much easier than the opposite-
remove the gadgets from many show horses
and expect them to drive through feilds and obstacles
and most would certainly fall apart
expecting a cde horse to drive around pleasantly on the rail
is certainly less than he was trained for
and far less than is required of him at a cde
I find most of Keely's post to be very flattering to the CDE horse and of course agree with her, but I was quite surprised at the two quotes above. My answer was going to be the complete opposite for several reasons. The problem is that once the horse gets a taste of life outside the ring, the feel of grass under his hooves and a chance to use his mind as much as his driver does, he tends to get rather bored with the simple roundy-round.
The second problem is that while to me it is easy to take a check OFF and allow the horse to reach down, putting one ON a horse who is used to carrying himself without help tends to both irritate and confuse him. A horse who is trained with a check knows no other way and doesn't mind it; one who is trained solely to his driver's hands considers it an unnecessary restriction.
Then again, so much of it depends on
how the horse is trained. If they learned to balance off the check then yes, they're likely to have problems when you take it off. If they were never taken outside the ring or exposed to the real world then yes, they're likely to have problems. But most minis are remarkably smart and sound of mind and seem to deal well with both worlds.
As for obstacle, Kody's biggest problem is not understanding why he isn't allowed to get up any real speed! *LOL* He thinks it's utterly dumb to keep breaking from walk to trot every few moments and pivoting the cart instead of spinning it at a gallop.