can anyone remind me what

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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I am on ewe watch.....I had the flu back at thanksgiving and well it kinda lingered then I was almost better when whammo comes back with a vengence......of course the constant waking up or not falling asleep due to hacking makes it easy to keep tabs on the ewe' also cuts into my smoking (very difficult to smoke when one cannot breathe to begin with)....not looking for sympathy just wondering what it's like to sleep for more than and hour or 2 at most at one time...oh yeah there is also the geezer dog who wakes up at odd hours and has to be taken out

I am actually beginning to resent the people in my home who get to sleep a full night

wahhhhhhh espresso IV.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........thud.........owww....head hit desk I am awake
Sorry I cant help u as I dont know what its like to sleep through a night either! I have only been sick since about new years but I also have the awful hacking cough and all I have to do is lay down to bring it on. Then there is mare stare here for the next 6 mths or so. My new as of later last year camera system is not working to whenever the pager goes off I am up and going to look. I have 4 in foaling stalls and other right behind. No sleep here for me!!!
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Try triomini cough syrup! hock up them loogies gal!

Rub some vicks on your chest too

Boy I feel for ya so bad. I know what this is like.
Sleep...has not been in my vocabulary lately...I hate change! SO fine. *yawn* Been getting a lot of that lately, as I haven't been feeling well, but my time is coming to an end as that darn mare is bagging up with a vengeance.

I feel your pain and I'm sorry for it! Hope you can sleep, soon.

Liz M>
Oh poor baby, sleep is a rar commodity here today. I'm holding the baby as I type and he has his bottle. Best wishes. Eat some chocolate!
Thanks guys.....I was feeling so alone none of my sheep buddies are lambing yet...and so few seem to be in mare stare mode I had a delightful 4 hours in a row last night and am sitting here dragging butt........even that didn't work though still no lambs...stupid ewe's......3 of them now look like jersey cows and the other 2 are plenty bagged up....they lambed with way less last year.............for all of you others who aren't sleeping I wish you some rest as well.............
Awww, c'mon girl... sleep is for amatures. We're Superwomen, remember? Why just today, I chewed my way out of a straightjacket...
Awww, c'mon girl... sleep is for amatures. We're Superwomen, remember? Why just today, I chewed my way out of a straightjacket...
:bgrin :bgrin :bgrin

yes and I feel like a total of my sheep friends I hadn't heard from lately is lambing...she only has 214 more ewes to go :new_shocked: :new_shocked: :new_shocked: good googly moogly and I thought she was nuts with 90 ewes last year

oh still no lambs...sure would like to know just what they are waiting for
oh still no lambs...sure would like to know just what they are waiting for

I know what they are waiting for....same thing every mammal in the world that has "people" for parents
: .....

They are waiting for you to LEAVE!! :xbud: :xbud: :xbud:

Go ahead, run to the store, to the post office or just down the road for 10 minutes....They will have spit those babies out by the time your car tires leave the drive way!!!

Auuuuugggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Can you tell I have been on "MARE STARE" for a week now!!! :new_shocked: :new_shocked:

Don't will all be over in a few months and then....maybe we can get some sleep :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: ...doubtful, but maybe! :488:

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