Reignmaker Miniatures
Well-Known Member
I'm not sure which is the best forum for this but since only drivers use bits this seemed appropriate. I have a gelding who's favorite bit is a standard broken snaffle with a full copper mouth. He absolutely loves this bit and has a very quiet mouth with it. But... in my infinite wisdom (yes that is sarcasm aimed at me) I used the only bit of its kind that I own to bit a new colt for the first time. By that I mean I allowed him to wear the bit while being lunged which is something I always do to give them a chance to adjust to carrying a bit. Anyway, I usually use a stainless bit for the colts but this time I thought (or failed to think
) the colt might like the 'taste' of the copper and thus adjust more quickly to the feel of the bit in his mouth. Well it is an experiment that has had consequences, the colt in question chomped on my copper bit, and as a result there are several small snags on the mouth piece. The metal is roughed up enough that I can't use it as is on the gelding without it being uncomfortable for him
. What I want to know is does anyone have a way to smooth that mouth piece again? I've considered trying very fine sandpaper/emery cloth but thought I'd post here for ideas in case someone has had to do the same thing. If I can't fix it I am either going to have to order a new bit or convince the gelding he really can put up with something else which may or may not fly with him.