Secret22 I was glad to see that you joinded us on Little Bit's Forum. I hope you have had a chance to look at some of the folk's albums of their special animals.
I have adopted 7 of these special little horses over the last 10 years, and still have 6. I lost my beloved Little Bit almost 3 years ago! Gosh! it's hard to believe it's been that long! But Bill's little Angel was born about 5 minutes after my Little Bit passed away and she will be 3 years old June 2nd.
I'm so proud of her!
I have to add some pictures of "The Biscuits" as I lovenly call my special little ones.
This is the first little dwarf mini I adopted, she just turned 10 years old! I'm VERY proud of her, too!
I'm very proud of all my little dwarf minis, as if ya could tell.
This is my Tessa
This is my Little Bit at the age of two and 19 inches tall, he lived to be a little over 3 years old and got up to 20 inches
This is my little minimal dwarf Dusty who will be 8 years old this spring
Here's my little Inky at age 2, he'll be 3 this spring
Here is Inky standing next to my Percheron mare last winter
This is little my little Strawberry Delight, she will be 4 this spring(Brachycephalic dwarf)
And this is the last baby I adopted last spring, Toy, she was going to be euthanized if I didn't take her, what a shame that would have been. Toy is 10 months old now, she's an Achondroplasia dwarf
This is sweet little Smidgen, she will be 2 years old this spring