Can I show you 7 of our tiny horses!

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Robin1- I really like Devils color.What kind of goats do you have?Are they in with your minis?
I have 2 pygmy goats and they are with the horses when the horses are out in the pasture. They were de-horned as babies. I would NEVER have a goat with horns in with the horses. Even these guys will "butt" the horses from time to time. If they had horns there would be severe damage. :new_shocked:

I love seeing all these pictures. I have really made a cut in my herd this year. I have 9 under 30's and 7 over 30 gosh I can't believe I am down to 16 horses. Two of the under 30's are being picked up today so that will put me at 7.

This is my Pistol and my favorite picture. Who said a 281/2" horse can't jump.


Now here is my garden of 28" and unders

Here are mine

Carousel Sudden Eclipse 29.75"


Just Spunky 28.75"


Just Ginger Mae 29.25"


SH Little Black Pearl 25" @ 14 months old



I've got 3 that are just over 30"

SH Just Fabulous Flicka


SH Eclipse Flashy Falabella


MCR's Miss Delta Dawn

I have 7 under 30" and 6 over 30" of which 3 are under 31". Not posting pictures because I don't know how.

Tony, I love that field of " little ones."

Joyce L

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