minister man
Well-Known Member
so your mare's udder is more developed than mine.. maybe at least that is the way I would evaluate the pictures.
.....wouldn't 342 days be full term?
.....wouldn't 342 days be full term?
Bigger is always better. Spring hasn't quite arrived here yet, so my horses are still on winter drylot. My mare that foaled in March is in a paddock that is about 24x24'; if my two year old wasn't being so nasty towards the new mare that foaled, I turn her out with the other mares, and then they'd have access to the big paddock (50x100').How large a paddock would you build for a mare and foal?
Yes, they can show minimal signs and go through them quickly, especially maidens.Is it possible that a mare will foal with no signs of foaling? I have read that she will sink in on the sides, belly drop closer to the ground, wax up teats, ect........... but if mares don't follow the rules, is it possible that all those signs can happen really fast? and you go to bed seeing none of the signs and get up in the morning to a foal?
How tall is your mare? Her build (when not pregnant)? Weight tapes and charts aren't always accurate for minis. That said 1.5# doesn't sound to far off.Picked up a bag of 16 percent mare and foal feed. The ticket says in the last 3 months of gestation to feed a 1000 pound horse 5 lbs of fgeed a day. I birthed my mare and she is 51". According to the chart, she weighs 330 lbs, so I have to feed a 1/3 of 5 LBS, so 1.5 lbs.