Just saw this Marnie, I will be keeping her in my prayers, I hope something can be figured out, but if it is a deformity in her bones, I am not sure what you can do.....Please keep us updated.
Our vet just suggested sel/vit.e to us for a 2 year old filly that seems "tight" in the rear end. Maybe, as someone else suggested this could be an option. I'm sorry about your filly, I know how badly you want to see improvement.....sending only best thoughts your way.
Thanks to everyone. I know that alot of bent legs, some so bad they look as if they are tied in a knot, can straighten out but unfortunately for this little one it was not to be. After the Xrays, and checking her all over, finding that even her front legs were weak, they knees weren't quite right either and my vet was sure she'd been oxygen deprived, all in all, we made the decision to let her go. I know some will think I did wrong, but I am sure that death is less painful than living a life of pain and hardship, I don't think she could have had any where near a normal life. MaDonna threw a fit so we did lay the baby back in with her for awhile, she is still standing over it. By morning, I will remove her and bury her. This is a sad ending to a little life so young but I do find comfort in knowing that MaDonna is ok, at least we got the baby out. Thanks to everyone who emailed and PM'd me too, I was just so desparate and praying their was a miracle but I guess not. Rest in Peace, little unnamed filly.
I guess she deserves a name, I will call her Annie.
I am so sorry for the loss of your precious lil filly. PLease do not beat yourself up over your decision, I am sure your decision was made out of love for this lil one! Prayers sent to you, MaDonna an your family!
I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet filly, Annie. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I am so sorry that you had to make such a heart breaking decision. Please know that you did what was best for her.
So sorry to hear the news on your baby... Nobody blames you, and I know how you feel trying to grasp at SOME chance that it might be ok... some things you just cannot help or do anything about. Hugs to you!