can you give me your opinion please

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just bumping it back up
Hi Lynda!!!

I think he is ADORABLE!!!! He has those big, liquid eyes, and looks like he is just about the Sweetest little guy around!
He should stand on his own with any of them!!

I love his color and markings! And I love your show halter! By the Blue Ribbon, it looks like the judges like him too!!! Congratulations!!!

for those of you that have mentioned his show bridle, the reason i used it was because i was only starting and had nothing else it cost $30 which is very cheap, i used it with a stallion bit {twisted bar with brass horse shoe either side} it was attached with a newcastle chain ,a brass double chain on either side of his bit, its funny because we cant get your stuff here and you all find our stuff nice
thank you all for your comments again

i dont know if your interested but i started some conformation threads on the youth forum that are kinda fun.
nice one thanks, are adults allowed on the youth forum??
well im not really sure LOL but for sure you can look at the pictures that wont hurt anything
I love him!! He is very cute:yes:. I agree that his neck is slightly short, but does not really affect his apearence much. You said he is only 29" right? He looks very proportionate for his size.

Good luck with him!

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