Can you show a one eyed pony?

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Active Member
Jan 20, 2024
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Hey guys! We are wanting to start our girl Tilly on cart and in halter, but she only has one eye. When the time comes, can she be shown in registered or really any shows with just one eye? I'm assuming halter may be a no go in registered classes but I could be wrong. She is a very pretty girl and really knows how to show herself. Her eye had to be removed several years ago due to a very mean infection. She gets around amazing! She acts like she's always only had one eye.
She would be able to be shown in miniture and in shetland. I believe she is 37in I'd have to look at her papers lol but she is double registered!
I don't think there is a rule against it, but any class that you are showing on looks it's going to be a problem if you want to win. For myself I would get a note from the vet stating that it was an illness or injury, and that she is sound to show. Just in case anyone makes a big deal out of it. You also need to measure her, 38" is the maximum for miniature, that's at the last hair of the mane. I'd expect she would have a better chance in driving than halter, and obstacle and the jumping classes might be good too. And of course it's not all about winning, so if you want to just go out and have fun then take her in the halter classes too.
Hey guys! We are wanting to start our girl Tilly on cart and in halter, but she only has one eye. When the time comes, can she be shown in registered or really any shows with just one eye? I'm assuming halter may be a no go in registered classes but I could be wrong. She is a very pretty girl and really knows how to show herself. Her eye had to be removed several years ago due to a very mean infection. She gets around amazing! She acts like she's always only had one eye.
She would be able to be shown in miniture and in shetland. I believe she is 37in I'd have to look at her papers lol but she is double registered!
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She is very pretty. I hope you do show her off.
Tilly is beautiful! They are certainly vision impaired horses being enjoyed in many ways. It is wonderful how horses and other animals adapt to different challenges.

Tinker, my AMHR gelding is also impaired in one eye from an injury and infection, but handles everything with confidence. This was about 10 years ago and I did call the AMHR office at that time with that same question on participation in their shows, but was told ‘no’, he could not compete in any capacity. Rules and procedures evolve over time, but it may be worth an email or phone call to AMHR to clarify!

She sure is a dandy little lady! 😍
I don't know what the rules were. But I do know that often someone will answer the question without looking up the rules. They are difficult and often a specific scenario is not "accepted" but there isn't any real rule against it. And of course the judges don't always know or follow the rules.
From the 2024 rule book.....

As a minimum requirement, all Shetlands must be serviceably sound for show purposes. Any pony showing evidence of lameness, deformity in feet, cryptorchidism or broken wind shall be refused an award. Complete or partial loss of sight in either eye will not be a disqualification if the loss of sight results from a traumatic injury. A licensed Veterinarian must verify the etiology of the sight loss as traumatic and such copy must accompany pony’s papers.

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