Can you spare a prayer for my Dad?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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My Dad, as sick as he has been, living at home with me since May, is in really sick in ICU. He is in Congestive Heart failure again. His heart is only functioning at 25-30% of what it needs to pump.

He is in end stage heart failure. His lungs are end stage also.

At this point, I no longer pray that he gets better, I am now praying for a peaceful, painless, no struggle death for him at my home with me and the family at his bedside. Some may think that is wrong, but he has been a good father, a good man and the only person that will listen to me babble about my horses,and doesn't deserve to struggle for air and gasp till the end.

Could you spare a prayer that he gets better enough to come home to me so that I can care for him till the end?

Thanks... our forum prayers are strong.

I appreciate it.

Prayers are coming your way from Pa..
This is a very hard to watch parent be sick with ... My mom died from CHF/renal failure 5yrs ago..You and your family will be in all of my prayers
Prayers are being said, for your Dad, your family and you.

And, any time you want to babble about your horses, there are a lot of us who will listen (myself included).
Oh Robin, I totally understand your prayers having been there with my daddy too. My prayers for a painless peaceful passing are with you. Warm hugs Debs
I'm sorry Robin.

I surely hate to see you hurting so badly.

I wish peace and comfort for your loving daddy.
Oh Robin, I am soooo sorry. I will definately be praying for you and your Dad, that he has a peaceful, painless passing. I am so glad, as I am sure he is too, that he has his LOVING family at his side, to help him pass over peacefully. God Bless. (((((HUGS)))))
Prayers are heading your way from icey Kansas...may your father and your family be wrapped up in GODS ALMIGHTY LOVE at this truely difficult time!
Sending comforting prayers for your dad and you Robin.
Oh Robin my friend, reading this has saddened me so very much. It is the first time I have 'tuned in' to The Back Porch, and to find this news about your Dad has shocked and really upset me. I know too well from my own recent loss, that one hopes and prays that one's parent will return home as their life draws to a close. Sadly, in my case, it didn't happen. But I pray with all my heart that you and your Dad will be more 'fortunate' and will be granted that extra time together.

My prayers are with you both.


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