Carolines puppies are fading!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I lost one puppy sat afternoon and one in the middle of the night. This has been a hard litter for me.... never experienced this with a corgi before. First Caroline had no milk. I bottle fed babies for three days....they then started nursing and gaining. I was weighing them twice a day.They are now two weeks old. I thought we were out of the woods. Then friday the #5 puppy started crying alot. he wasnt nursing well. At first he took the bottle and then he didnt want that either..... The #6 puppy started crying saturday...same story, so I was feeding him every hour again. These puppies lost over an oz of wt in a day. Today all are quiet, appear to be nursing except the little girl is not as active and , refusing her suplimental bottle. She stayed the same wt as yesterday while the other three boys are still consistantly gaining. I am beside myself. Im exhausted... Ive been breeding corgis for 10 years and this is the first bit of trouble. Im thinking Caroline is just not mother material. Any suggestions? Vet visit tomorrow am.

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Can't offer any help, just sending good wishes your way

Sorry to hear about your puppies :no: . I hope you can save the othersl. Maybe someone else on here can help you.

good luck

keep us posted
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so sorry to hear about your puppies, hopefully the rest will be fine.

I don't know anything about raising new puppies, but just wondered if Karo syrup would help the little one, like it does slow to start foals (a little energy can't hurt).
Lyn no real help here either just sometimes moms have more than they can take care of and just arent cut out to be moms or sometimes they will level out and do fine with less. I have bottle fed many babies, puppies, kitties, lambs and calves and its sort of a crap shoot but do know from my last experience with kitties until they are eating solid food anything can happen. LItter had 7 lost two within the first 2 days then it leveled out and I thought we were out of the woods 5 remaining were doing great then at about 16 days overnight I lost 3 more. The last two ended up being strong great kitties and are still doing well in their homes. Now a year later and mom was pregnant but one day came in from outside and nope not pregnant anymore so dont know what happened. It is very tiring and discouraging but can be sooo rewarding and just hang in as for breeding her again I probably would think about not breeding her again. Good luck and keep us posted.
I lost one puppy sat afternoon and one in the middle of the night. This has been a hard litter for me.... never experienced this with a corgi before. First Caroline had no milk. I bottle fed babies for three days....they then started nursing and gaining. I was weighing them twice a day.They are now two weeks old. I thought we were out of the woods. Then friday the #5 puppy started crying alot. he wasnt nursing well. At first he took the bottle and then he didnt want that either..... The #6 puppy started crying saturday...same story, so I was feeding him every hour again. These puppies lost over an oz of wt in a day. Today all are quiet, appear to be nursing except the little girl is not as active and , refusing her suplimental bottle. She stayed the same wt as yesterday while the other three boys are still consistantly gaining. I am beside myself. Im exhausted... Ive been breeding corgis for 10 years and this is the first bit of trouble. Im thinking Caroline is just not mother material.
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If the pups are cold will not nurse...also if they are cold they can not digest the milk you are giving them...I would not do milk at this time...I would give them Kayro or make up a mixture sugar water with a pintch of salt you will keep them hydrated atleast that can tube feed if they are warm and just to weak to eat or suckle....then the vet can help with them...Make sure they are passing urine and is still probably stimulating them at this you may have to do this now.................hard to lose them anytime...but after 2 weeks even worse. Good luck Hope you and the vet can find an answer....

I am not a vet...this is only a sugestion as it has worked fom me after 30 years of breeding Shih Tzu's and Goldens...if you can speak to your vet run this buy him/her.......

Fading Puppies - Prevention and Treatment You can find a lot of help looking this up......

Fading Puppy Syndrome
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I'm sorry to hear this, Lyn. I wish I had some advice, but it sounds like the others that have posted have good advice for you. I'll keep them all in my thoughts and prayers...they're just so sweet. Hang in there, and hopefully the vet will be able to fix it tomorrow.


Sorry Lyn just noticed your topic....

Give Mom a shot of penicillin and yes, give the pups syrup or high -cal

Also if you wish will not hurt the pups a small shot of penicillin under their skin....

Put the puppies on a heating pad with blanket, must be kept warm as Angie has mentioned.

Hope this helps...
Oh no! I'm so sorry about the babies, we are keeping you and those little pups in our prayers...
Oh Lyn, I'm so sorry to hear that. I can't imagine the frustration and let-down after she whelped such gorgeous little ones. Thoughts are with you, Caroline, and her babies.
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Oh Lyn, I am so sorry to hear this!

I have seen this happen with a Rottweiller Bitch, maiden. She was overwhelmed and really just pushed half the litter away. They faded and half the litter was lost.

I would take the female pup and treat her as an orphan and feed her myself.

It does seem like Carolines not well prepared for this litter, ie her milk etc. She may just have had some hormone imbalance or perhaps isn't well suited to motherhood.

I feel very badly for you, it is awfully distressing and exhausting.

Because of her initial lack of milk her natural instinct may be that she cannot feed all these pups so she will feed the strongest, survival of the fittest and all that.

What a shame.

Hoping things are improving by now.
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the herpes virus will also cause pups to fade and die. If you do a google search on canine herpes virus there should be a lot of info out there.
Gee, I am so sorry Lyn. I have no advice, but like you, I too would have thought that once they reached this age they would have been out of harm of fading. Hope you can get them to survive. Good Luck.
Any news on Caroline's puppies? I am so sorry they have had problems. Sheila
I am so sorry about the puppies, please give us an update whenever you can. That's so sad.

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