It's back. We are starting the treatments again. This time it is on the side of the penis not covering the uretha. It is a small area so thats a good thing. The vet said he may have to debride it again and I will never ever do that to him again, so we shall see.
We are thinking positive and intend to beat the snot out of that darned cancer! The good thing is Cash is fat and still pretty darn sassy enough to let the vet have a good one.He thought he had him under enough.......and the old boy planted a pretty good one.( Score one for the Cash) So out came Mr Twitchie and the final round went to the vet. So guess its even.
My husband and i agreed that as long as Cash can be his defiant grumpy do it on my terms self,we will fight it but if he can't be Cash any longer than we will let him go.
2007 has not been an easy year for us as we have some other things going on we don't need to talk about as well,BUT we are still so really incredibly lucky compared to so many others that I just have to thank God for being so good to us.
Please don't feel you need to respond I know how much love and prayers Cash has received from you all and I feel its why he's still doing so well, thank you.
And lest you feel sorry for the little sucker his latest caper. I have their "cookies" in a gallon plastic jar with a screw on cap.
When it gets down to almost empty I put it up high on a wall where I can see it to remind me to get more.
Well Friday we had incredible winds here so it must have blown down to where you know who could reach it.
He not only got it out in the paddock he managed top unscrew the top and scarfed down all the cookies!!
I know it was Mr. prehensile lip because his feed bucket is screwed into the wall with a double ended snap. If his breakfast or supper is late he will pull the snap back with his lip and the bucket ends up on the floor with both sides of the snap missing, we never do find them in all the shavings have to keep a supply of snaps just for him
We are thinking positive and intend to beat the snot out of that darned cancer! The good thing is Cash is fat and still pretty darn sassy enough to let the vet have a good one.He thought he had him under enough.......and the old boy planted a pretty good one.( Score one for the Cash) So out came Mr Twitchie and the final round went to the vet. So guess its even.
My husband and i agreed that as long as Cash can be his defiant grumpy do it on my terms self,we will fight it but if he can't be Cash any longer than we will let him go.
2007 has not been an easy year for us as we have some other things going on we don't need to talk about as well,BUT we are still so really incredibly lucky compared to so many others that I just have to thank God for being so good to us.
Please don't feel you need to respond I know how much love and prayers Cash has received from you all and I feel its why he's still doing so well, thank you.
And lest you feel sorry for the little sucker his latest caper. I have their "cookies" in a gallon plastic jar with a screw on cap.
When it gets down to almost empty I put it up high on a wall where I can see it to remind me to get more.
Well Friday we had incredible winds here so it must have blown down to where you know who could reach it.
He not only got it out in the paddock he managed top unscrew the top and scarfed down all the cookies!!
I know it was Mr. prehensile lip because his feed bucket is screwed into the wall with a double ended snap. If his breakfast or supper is late he will pull the snap back with his lip and the bucket ends up on the floor with both sides of the snap missing, we never do find them in all the shavings have to keep a supply of snaps just for him