Cedar Fields First Three Foals

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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
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I guess I should say first four foals...lol

So far so good! We have four foals on the ground and three of them are black fillies

We've never had a black pinto filly born on our farm and now three in a row. We've been very blessed.

Foal #1

Cedar Fields Awesome Gambler (colt)

Sire: Cross Country Call Me Awesome

Dam: Nostalgias For Love or Money

Congrats to Adele at Monarch Miniature! She is the proud new owner of this fancy little guy.


Foal #2

Cedar Fields Ebony Sunrise (filly)

Sire: Cross Country Call Me Awesome

Dam: Hodges Serendipity at Sunset

Ebony was born on Easter morning. What a great Easter gift!

Patches & Stetson filly 037.JPG

Foal #3

Cedar Fields Queen of the Night (filly)

Sire: Westwind Farms Attitude of a Duke

Dam: Todwils Talent Scout

Patches & Stetson filly 088.JPG

Foal #4

Cedar Fields (No name yet, filly)

Sire: Lil Un Farms Johns Little Safari

Dam: Thousand Oaks Lancelots Lady Stetson

This filly is our first sired by Safari and we are very happy with her. She is also Stetson first foal. I love her facial white. We are trying to decide on a name that incorperates the guestion mark. We are open to ideas.

Patches & Stetson filly 007.JPG

Patches & Stetson filly 178.JPG

Thanks for letting us share!
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Congratulations on all of your beautiful foals! They are all really nice
I love the legs on your question mark filly.

Cedar Fields Riddle Me This
congratulations on some super nice foals! Number 4 truly is a question mark! First thing I thought was "WUZZUP" then I thought "Got Milk" although that's not all that fitting but it is a well known question. LOL I"m sure someone will come up with something very unique to incorporate his markings. Awesome face!
Gorgeous babies and I just love the filly. Cedar Fields Safaris Little Question, Cedar fields Its a Question of Faith
beautiful babies!!


A name with "Riddle" in it would be perfect, and use Riddler as a barn name
Congratulations on all your beautiful foals. I always love the unique face markings. I think names need to be special to the owners, but one possible thought that comes to mind (that also incorporates her dam's name) is Ask The Lady.

It also looks like she has blue eyes. Another plus in my book.
All are outstanding and adorable! Question Mark Girl - that's just such a cool marking!!! Good luck coming up with a name
I got a black mini on my 10th birthday that had a perfect question mark on his face I miss him very much and he was WONDERFUL... Double Troubles Question Mark, aka Markadoodle, hence my name. I miss him very much so.

I hope you come up with a name that really captures her. Good luck!
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Lovely foals! Congrats!

How about "Guess What" or just "Guess" or even "Just Guess", "Ponder"
Foal #4Cedar Fields (No name yet, filly)

Sire: Lil Un Farms Johns Little Safari

Dam: Thousand Oaks Lancelots Lady Stetson

This filly is our first sired by Safari and we are very happy with her. She is also Stetson first foal. I love her facial white. We are trying to decide on a name that incorperates the guestion mark. We are open to ideas.

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Thanks for letting us share!
I had a Cutty foal born 2 years ago with a question mark on her face, just like this one. I named mine Riverdances Pop The Question.
Thanks for all the nice compliments and name ideas. The question mark filly is Moms. She's out of Moms only mare Stetson so she gets the difficult job of deciding on the perfect name.
lol We are expecting three more foals so hoping for the best and wishing everyone else good luck too.

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