Ceiling Fans in stalls

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2005
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Estero Fl /Cape Cod Ma.
and do you still use the regular box fans on the wall? Does it make much of a difference in air circulation?

Im wondering if I have to put them up high enough so Im not smacking it every day with the pitchfork, if they would even be worth it.
We use ceiling fans instead of box fans. It's so much easier and depending on the design of the barn it helps get the hot air out. We also use large industrial floor fans at either end of the barn since our barn is split (half is the stalls, half is the indoor arena).
I had them in the isle way in Florida and then box fans in each stall. The ceiling fans were good because it was a really super tall barn with a huge pitch, but if you put them too close to the top, it will only suck down the heat off the roof. I prefer the box fans on an angle though in each stall where the horses can opt to get under them or not.
Last barn I used roof installed vent fans on a thermo to cut on when heat reached the set temp. Worked great! Didn't have to worry about on/off issues. These were wired but I believe you could get solar now. This was NOT a barn with a top storage, so pulled air thru very well. Barn also had an entire line of window around for air flow and sliding closures for winter/bad weather, etc. Plexi not regular glass, of course. Also had packed clay in aisles. Summer nights I'd dampen and it was really cool in there all summer. Air flow makes a huge difference.

Now, barn build similar but smaller, and use couple box fans if needed. ALSO, run in barns instead of stalling 40 a night.
Everyone is happy.

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