I can only share my experiences, we have a home owners policy, have had it since 1976 with the same company since we bought our first home, we have a separate farm policy with a different company, to cover tractor, barn, or if a horse gets lose, etc. We have never, ever used either one. We've been through several tornados, a earthquake, whatever and never filled a claim. We have never had any farm tours, and I tell people when they call, I don't offer them. Most of my horses are sold via the internet or at auction. I've sold several by taking them to local shows and yes these buyers have picked them up at my place or I have delivered them. Well, last NOv. we received a letter from our home owners ins. that they were coming out to inspect, which they did in Jan. Just last week we received a letter stating they were cancelling our home owners since we run a business. What! I'm sure there is another company willing to take our money, but this is outragious! Now mind you I have had someone come here from the VA with an injured soldier that returned from Iran and wanted to start his own min farm, and I did allow him to interact with the minis, to see if he could handle them, he did just fine and this was three years ago. Then I had a diplomates wife come here from DC. She is from China, and had not seen Minis before. All was on the up and up! No sales were involved or even a farm tour where I recieved any money, but my home owners have cancelled me after 36 years with no claims. Use caution! All it would take is one injury, or fall, or someone to report you. Just my two cents!