I watched that with my Dad this morning and he said "Yikes, that's a new definition for pole vaulting!"
He's right, too. That's exactly what happened.
I was actually rather impressed with the horses involved as they could have easily panicked with the pole hitting the righthand horse in the legs like that but it didn't look to me like they were running away uncontrollably, more like they were simply confused but doggedly continuing with their job as they knew it (which was to run down that track after the other team). They didn't kick, buck, shy sideways or take the bit in their teeth and run wildly. Gotta give them credit!
It appears that the connection between the pole and the yoke broke somehow, leaving the two horses yoked together and pulling but unable to control the chariot. Bad, bad, bad!
So scary. I wonder if it would have helped if the driver had steered them into the rail to stop them or if that would have just gotten everyone hurt.
Keely has been my inspiration in training Turbo- Kody does a great whoa-stand (ground-tie) but will not respond to voice command alone at speed, especially in a panic. Turbo I'm putting in all that work now, before he's even hitched, so that he hears "Whoa!" and slams on the brakes just as Tippy does. I pray that Kody will stop if the other horse does!