Chicken Soup for the Kitten Lover's Soul

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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London, ON
So...I wanted to switch brands for my cats/kittens. I was told by a reputable breeder that Nutrience is really good; her cats love it etc... My local feed store doesn't carry Nutrience, but he suggested the "Chicken Soup" food. It looks really really good; all natural, holistic. It has chicken, salmon, turkey, duck, and vegetables in it. A bit pricey at $15.00 for a 6lb. bag, but not too bad. I'm going to try my pregger girls on the kitten formula today and see how they like it. Anyone else buy the "Chicken Soup" food?
I have used the chicken soup senior for my dogs, a few large bags worth. I would have liked to have stuck with it, because the ingredients look absolutely wonderful, but one of my 3 dogs stopped eating it after awhile, and another had horrible gas on it. That said, I'm not 100% sure the food was the entire problem, as the dog that stopped eating it has done that with a couple of other brands of food over the years, and the gassy dog is generally a bit gassy, but that was definitely the worst he has been.

I have also bought it for my cats (outdoor), and didn't have any problems, but didn't notice any "new" positive results from it either, nor were the cats overly excited by it.

Based on the ingredients alone, I would definitely give it a try, and see what your results are.
Matt, We have a 7 year old golden retriever who developed a sluggish thyroid, so he's on meds and a special diet for the rest of his life. The animal nutritionist at the vet clinic suggested Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul (Lite), once he transitioned out of the prescription brand.

"Randy" was doing very well on it. The only close place we could get it was at our feed store and one day they were OUT. The gal there pointed out to me that the manufacturer was "Diamond Pet Foods" and the store carried that one as well....AND IT WAS CHEAPER.

Check your supplier of the Chicken Soup food to see if they also stock Diamond too......If they do, check the ingredients to see how it measures up. ("Randy" just had his annual checkup for weight and thyroid levels and came through with flying colors!
I have raised several kittens/cats/puppies and dogs with Chicken Soup. They have all done well, and loved/love it. I mix the canned and kibbles together. My min pin has developed an oat allergy though, so now only gets an occasional 1/8 can mixed with grain-free Orjin, or Now kibbles, as the Chicken Soup does contain a small amount of oatmeal...such a shame because she absolutely loves it.

I know my supplier gets it in both the smaller bags, AND the large 8+kilo bags.
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Thanks guys. I have Seamus, Jenna, and Jasmine on it as of today (Seamus is only eating the kitten food by default as he's with the girls...hope he doesn't get fat lol). I've mixed it in with their other food and they certainly gobbled it up; they seemed to really like it. I'll see if I notice any changes (coat etc.). The only drawback is that the Purina Kitten Chow that we usually feed pregnant/lactating females and kittens is, like, $8.00/bag and this is $15.00/bag. So Kev may not go with this long term (he's the smart money man around here...We'd be broke if I made all the spending decisions lol).
Just a comment/question? What is wrong with Purina? It is one of the more reasonable brands around price wise and they have probably the largest research and development programs around. Look at the variety of animals they provide food for and they have researched the nutrition to the smallest common denominator. Not only domestic animals but they are the major source for zoo and exotic breeds.
We started feeding the chicken soup food to our cats and dogs, and they are doing very well on it. It is also rated very well. Our cats are picky about food, but they love this.

wcr purina is actually not rated very well anymore. Here is a link to dog foods adn there ratings.
The only drawback is that the Purina Kitten Chow that we usually feed pregnant/lactating females and kittens is, like, $8.00/bag and this is $15.00/bag. So Kev may not go with this long term (he's the smart money man around here...We'd be broke if I made all the spending decisions lol).
The bonus of this food is that because it is so much better, you feed for the "wastage" of Seamus getting into it; you save in the long run. You also save in the litter box, because the food processes much more economically through the digestive system, there will be less feces as well.
There's nothing wrong with Purina, wcr. Just wanted a bit of a change for the little ones.
I haven't tried the Chicken Soup food at all; I did buy Nutrience once and my cats turned their noses up at it. I figure it doesn't matter if it's a great quality food, if they don't want to eat it then it isn't much good for them. I now stick with Fancy Feast dry and the Whiskas, plus canned food (mostly Fancy Feast). I am not raising cats so don't have any pregnant queens, but do get rescue kittens (some of them in very poor condition) in from time to time and they do great on the foods I listed.

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