Well-Known Member
SO... A few years ago, the friend that I got into the ponies drug me into chickens... SORTA. She'd been working on me. Then I visited someone else and they had all these newly hatched (well maybe a week old?) bantam chicks with a bantam broody hen... She said they all needed to go and the chickies would be fine w/o the "mother". She gave me some chick feed, and wrote out some instructions for the first night and handed me the box with 15 little chicks in it.
The all made it thru the nite and I went to TSC to get a book, feed, feeders, waterers etc etc etc. and I think that Christmas week of 2010 an addiction was born... I started with the various banties that arrived that nite. I now know that I had all different types, including some silkies and seabrights! I'm still learning the breeds/varieties that I may have had. 3 of the little hens eventually had fertilized eggs and I had 3 separate hatchings. Lost several - and the roos were all quite irritating. Enter Vicki and her hubby James - and now I know how to butcher those "bad boys"... LOL YUM! No plucking - just skin them and clean them out.
Decided needed larger eggs - bought my first 6 Production Red pullets. They all made it into egg laying age. Then started doing more studying on the internet and in my books and when the feed store got in some Marans and "Ameraucanas" - I bought 2 and 4 (I seem to be stuck on the number 6??). Found out my "Ameraucanas" are EEs, but that's ok... pretty blue, blue/green and darker brown eggs. A resident hawk showed up (of course) and I lost many of the silly banties, 1 Cuckoo Maran, 1 EE and 2 Production
Reds... BUT.
I went to a chicken show that was somewhat local this past Christmas and was FASCINATED by some of the birds! I found I gravitate towards some of the bantams and Ameraucanas. LIKE SPLASH, BLUE and LAVENDAR - of course not accepted (yet) varieties. THEY are beautiful. Came home with a trio of "super layers" (white leghorn x ameraucana).
The girls had just started laying when they disappearred a couple of weeks ago.
But still have the Roo - "Din-Din". Also, got a banty Roo - whom we call "ROO". He spent part of Christmas Day in our house with the kids and us...
SOOOO fast forward some more! 2 weeks ago, while the farrier was trimming hooves in the barn - we heard little cheeps. A search showed that one of my last banty hens had hatched eggs that she and one of the larger hens had been setting off and on (I didn't think they were viable!). What a surprise! All little yellow balls of cheeping fuzz! Think 11 hatched out, lost 1 that first day then lost a 2nd one but today still have 9 little cheeps!! I wanted to track this bunch - figure out who becomes a roo and which ones may be larger birds (2 arrived out of Production Red eggs and 1 out of an EE egg - the rest are banty sized eggs- don't know which is Daddy).
The permanent markers didn't work real well - so yesterday I used little colored zip ties to mark our little birds. I also found a breeder of Blue Ameraucanas - not 20 miles from me (backyard chickens dot com) and bought 4 that had hatched on 19 May and 4 that hatched on 26 May... Grafted them onto the Banty hen.
These guys are sOOOOO fun and addictive! I want to build a real chicken coop now...and maybe get even more birds!! I like both the bantam and LF - Orpingtons. Pretty birds - lots of colors/varieties! I saw some Frizzle Chicks at the feed store the other day... NO, NO MORE BIRDS right now...
Here's a link to the album - Chickens & Ducks O, yes. Hubby got ducks when I was on the road in 2012. Some have been butchered, some "jogged" down the road (s). Have a drake, 2 hens and eggs ready to hatch. No longer have the last (named) Peking duck (butchered the 1st 2)...
The all made it thru the nite and I went to TSC to get a book, feed, feeders, waterers etc etc etc. and I think that Christmas week of 2010 an addiction was born... I started with the various banties that arrived that nite. I now know that I had all different types, including some silkies and seabrights! I'm still learning the breeds/varieties that I may have had. 3 of the little hens eventually had fertilized eggs and I had 3 separate hatchings. Lost several - and the roos were all quite irritating. Enter Vicki and her hubby James - and now I know how to butcher those "bad boys"... LOL YUM! No plucking - just skin them and clean them out.
Decided needed larger eggs - bought my first 6 Production Red pullets. They all made it into egg laying age. Then started doing more studying on the internet and in my books and when the feed store got in some Marans and "Ameraucanas" - I bought 2 and 4 (I seem to be stuck on the number 6??). Found out my "Ameraucanas" are EEs, but that's ok... pretty blue, blue/green and darker brown eggs. A resident hawk showed up (of course) and I lost many of the silly banties, 1 Cuckoo Maran, 1 EE and 2 Production
Reds... BUT.

I went to a chicken show that was somewhat local this past Christmas and was FASCINATED by some of the birds! I found I gravitate towards some of the bantams and Ameraucanas. LIKE SPLASH, BLUE and LAVENDAR - of course not accepted (yet) varieties. THEY are beautiful. Came home with a trio of "super layers" (white leghorn x ameraucana).

The girls had just started laying when they disappearred a couple of weeks ago.

SOOOO fast forward some more! 2 weeks ago, while the farrier was trimming hooves in the barn - we heard little cheeps. A search showed that one of my last banty hens had hatched eggs that she and one of the larger hens had been setting off and on (I didn't think they were viable!). What a surprise! All little yellow balls of cheeping fuzz! Think 11 hatched out, lost 1 that first day then lost a 2nd one but today still have 9 little cheeps!! I wanted to track this bunch - figure out who becomes a roo and which ones may be larger birds (2 arrived out of Production Red eggs and 1 out of an EE egg - the rest are banty sized eggs- don't know which is Daddy).

The permanent markers didn't work real well - so yesterday I used little colored zip ties to mark our little birds. I also found a breeder of Blue Ameraucanas - not 20 miles from me (backyard chickens dot com) and bought 4 that had hatched on 19 May and 4 that hatched on 26 May... Grafted them onto the Banty hen.

These guys are sOOOOO fun and addictive! I want to build a real chicken coop now...and maybe get even more birds!! I like both the bantam and LF - Orpingtons. Pretty birds - lots of colors/varieties! I saw some Frizzle Chicks at the feed store the other day... NO, NO MORE BIRDS right now...
Here's a link to the album - Chickens & Ducks O, yes. Hubby got ducks when I was on the road in 2012. Some have been butchered, some "jogged" down the road (s). Have a drake, 2 hens and eggs ready to hatch. No longer have the last (named) Peking duck (butchered the 1st 2)...