She is 251, 225 or 211 days.
She was in pasture with a stallion at spring. Because she came heat again I thought she wasn´t pregnant. But, she was last time in heat at september, sho she appears to show heat even she is pregnant. Vet checked her week ago because I have felt movement from her belly couple weeks and she has guite a belly.
Stallion I had in spring was his first season breeding.
This is Cindy´s first foal. She is not making any udder yet or giving any other signs. I already have camera in stall so if I want I can watch her whenever I want. But after all there is some waiting to go no matter how many days she already has.
She was in pasture with a stallion at spring. Because she came heat again I thought she wasn´t pregnant. But, she was last time in heat at september, sho she appears to show heat even she is pregnant. Vet checked her week ago because I have felt movement from her belly couple weeks and she has guite a belly.
Stallion I had in spring was his first season breeding.
This is Cindy´s first foal. She is not making any udder yet or giving any other signs. I already have camera in stall so if I want I can watch her whenever I want. But after all there is some waiting to go no matter how many days she already has.