Well-Known Member
Thank you all,
Hayley, we decided that Banner wasn't the right "type" for Penny, even though I had paid for the service fee, as it was a donation for the QLD floods I don't mind that I won't get the money from it... but I know I made the right decision in not putting her in foal.
we were also considering Ferrari, and there is a chance she may one day go in foal to him yet... but again I don't think he is the stallion that I'm looking for, for her... I guess I'm looking for the perfect stallion and as those a few and very far in between she may not go in foal at all... while I would be sad about that I am ok with it, especially as there are so many stunning mini's that are having trouble being sold. I don't think I should compensate and add to that list of mini's not able to be sold. if that makes sense
Haha Anna, I am SOOOO glad I have the exact dates this time, though I have to confess... I'm already talking to the foal hehehe guess I'm showing my true craziness right there lol I'm counting down the months till I can feel the foal move then I will feel assured that it is actually in there lol as though I've had two ultrasounds, my vet doesn't like doing anymore unless its absolutely necessary till the foaling. so I just have to wait...
I tried to get pics when Kylie came out last but they didn't turn out on my phone
( I wanted to have a big laugh and put the ultrasound pic up on Facebook to see if anyone wondered if it was my ultrasound hehe just cos I'm a cruel nasty person hehe one way to know if ppl know you, but it wasn't to be, I got to see the foals heart beat though which was awesome! love all the side of things coming from my vet nursing background.
thank you for your lovely comments on Finn, just need to get him measured then I can register him and get him out to a few shows oh but first I need to clip him AGAIN!!!!! I already clipped him this spring! and was rigging him to the hilt but he still got fluffy, I swear that pony was meant to live at the snow not in Sydney lol I'll probably put him and Suzie in the stable with lights when I clip him again to see if that helps.
he is so funny on hot days I put the sprinkler on in their paddocks and he loves to stand under it funny boy. he comes in saturated but happy so I'm happy.
Hayley, we decided that Banner wasn't the right "type" for Penny, even though I had paid for the service fee, as it was a donation for the QLD floods I don't mind that I won't get the money from it... but I know I made the right decision in not putting her in foal.

Haha Anna, I am SOOOO glad I have the exact dates this time, though I have to confess... I'm already talking to the foal hehehe guess I'm showing my true craziness right there lol I'm counting down the months till I can feel the foal move then I will feel assured that it is actually in there lol as though I've had two ultrasounds, my vet doesn't like doing anymore unless its absolutely necessary till the foaling. so I just have to wait...
I tried to get pics when Kylie came out last but they didn't turn out on my phone

thank you for your lovely comments on Finn, just need to get him measured then I can register him and get him out to a few shows oh but first I need to clip him AGAIN!!!!! I already clipped him this spring! and was rigging him to the hilt but he still got fluffy, I swear that pony was meant to live at the snow not in Sydney lol I'll probably put him and Suzie in the stable with lights when I clip him again to see if that helps.
he is so funny on hot days I put the sprinkler on in their paddocks and he loves to stand under it funny boy. he comes in saturated but happy so I'm happy.