yesterday Smartie gave us a big scare!
I had just brought him in from the big paddock and fed him Dad was using the loader in the other paddock so I left him in the side paddock. Dad said he would move him after he had finished.
I went back down to work to do the tills and when I came back up Dad said we had to go find Smartie, he spooked, bolted crashed through the gate and was in the big paddocks it was dark now and we had to try find him make sure he wasn't hurt (he got spooked by Dad using the loader... a bit strange as Dad uses it all the time and he doesn't care, I think as it got dark his eyesight etc wasn't as good and he freaked out) anyway I'm freaking out and Dad and I go looking for him, I was calling him and he is so beautiful he slowly walked up to me and let me lead him back to the stables (he didn't have a halter on and was still so scared)
took him up to the stable and put a halter on him.
Dad held him while I checked him over he was quite stiff and sore but luckily no signs of cuts or breaks etc, I gave him some bute and some feed and put him to bed... poor bubba.
this morning he was a little sore not too bad and as the day went on he got better, he is now not lame at all thank goodness! we were sooo lucky he didn't hurt himself...
here are the pics of the damage he did to the gate... poor Smartie...
the gate this morning... we are not sure if he tried to jump it, or just couldn't stop...

the gate is usually bolted to the fence on the RH side...

the post...

the gate...

Smartie feeling alot better out in the big paddock this morning.
We are so lucky that the gate broke off the hinge otherwise I think it would be alot worse