Classic K Miniatures thread. pics and updates on my mini's

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that is good, last year I could get milk from Odette and it tested 7.2 but she was empty, this year she has a large edema in front of her bag which she didn't have last year.

Great pics, he is just soooo cute!
last year did Odette have any edema at all in front of her bag? Penny has an edema but I wouldn't call it huge... :S lol

Thank you, he is SO dark now LOL
no edema last year but she did have a small udder.Now I think that is due to her age but it did get me excited last year
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Odette is 12, this will be her 3rd foal for me but I have no history on her.
Hubby found her whilst out driving one day in a small field with big horses, he fell in love with her and knocked on the door, he asked the guy how much he wanted and brought her home.
Love the pix...made me grin just picturing Elvis going through the toddler stage. Have concluded my boy is blue eyed for sure. Finn is just darling. I can see where you would want him to have a playmate...and uh-hum...reading your post I can see Penny is still keeping us guessing. Tricky girl that one.
Oh Cassie, those pictures of Finn bring back memories. He was just so cute and now he's a gorgeous handsome young man - not that he wasn't gorgeous before, but you know what I mean!

It is interesting how Penny has changed her 'habits' over the last couple of weeks and the sight of milk is very exciting. But does it mean............? Only Penny knows the answer to that one but I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed!
YAY for milk! I do hope she keeps progressing and shows us a baby in the next weeks!

LOVE the photos of Finn. He is such a sweet boy.. he looks like a character. Just love him.
Penny has settled down a bit. 3:35am cam time. She still is not down but she isn't pacing all around non-stop like she was. She has stood and seems to be looking out the door.
3.56 am where is she????
I can just see an ear
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4.08am and she's having a reasonably quiet moment! Does she have enough hay to see her through the night Cassie - she rarely seems to be 'grazing' from 3.0 ish onwards. Or maybe you could give her a smaller amount at teatime and give her a load extra late night?
4:39 am cam time and Penny is down sternal
I was just going to post the same Megan. She looks so cute when she finally relaxes.
I didn't see her up and down and up and down a while ago- I was out cleaning Laney's stalls.. but she is now down.. ears are changing all directions lol
brrr it is freezing out here this morning!!! well not freezing compared to all your temps at the moment LOL but late summer early autumn temps brrrr lol they are all getting more and more fluffy...

no change with Penny, I didn't try to get any milk, I don't think I'll try again until she bags up fully.

but I am SURE I felt movement, I first saw a little kick at her tummy, then I felt and felt two more so I put my hands on her and felt a rolling sort of movement in her tummy... Penny was very uncomfortable. Come on Penny!! Please have a little baby in there!! I can't think of anything else it could have been, there was definitely little pushes to her tummy...

Thanks for your comments on Finn
he is really maturing now!! even getting darker around the eyes and muzzle! going to get some licorice for him today and see what he thinks of it hehe should be fun!! I definitley think he is more mini pony rather then mini horse... with his chunky little bum n tummy LOL but he is such a snuggle bum and loves some lovin

anyway gotta take Jonny to school

I'm thinking I might put some extra straw down for her tonight... especially if its going to be cold again... maybe she was uncomfortable and a little cold to be lying down last night hmmm, but she is definitley not lying down as much as before LOL she just loves to keep us on our toes!! lol

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