I'll apologize right from the start that this is kind of a negative post - but I have some strong feelings about this.
I participated in the Classic Sweepstakes for several years - and would have continued to participate - but IN MY OPINION communications were so poor, that I could just not see spending that much money any longer.
I felt like I had to BEG for information. One year my checks were not cashed. My checks are issued directly from my on-line bank and they automatically void the check and notify me if a check is not cashed in 90 days. The next payment was made on a credit card, but they didn't charge it until months later. I keep very limited credit line on that particular card, and when they finally did charge it, it over extended my credit line and cost me a fee. A few years ago, someone who contacted me that they were interested in bidding on my stallion couldn't do so because of miscommunications about the bidding time. I would have had to buy both breedings myself to participate and since I didn't have 2 ASPC mares at the time, I had to drop out.
I nominated my stallion in 2005 for the 2006 Sweepstakes and when I didn't recieve the information packet for nominating my mare, I started making calls. Found out that it had changed hands and I was never notified. I called the ASPC office and they didn't even seem to know what the Sweepstakes was! They kept trying to point me to the people who run the futurities and were pretty rude when I kept insisting that I didn't need to talk to someone about futurities. I had to give them a rather lengthy explanation of what the Sweepstakes is, how it differs from the futurities, who used to manage it, etc etc etc. They still didn't really seem to understand what I was talking about. They also didn't know who was running it and didn't seem particularly interested in getting me the information. I was told to contact my Area rep!
Finally I tracked down the phone number and called - I admit I was a bit rude to poor Jason by this time and I know this all was not his fault! I did get the info not too long afterwards, but by then the deadline for nominating a mare had passed and I had had enough. I decided I was finished with the sweepstakes. Nominating fee down the drain.
And... by the way ... I DID offer to help with the program one of my first years when some issues first came up - you know, be part of the solution and all that. I thought that communication and some simple advertising would go along ways to help the program and was willing to help with this. They told me they didn't need help.
So ... my 2 cents is, this COULD be a great program if advertising and communications were well done. But people can't bid if they either don't know the program exists or don't know what stallions are available to bid on. (Photos and information on each stallion should be available either on the ASPC website or through a link on the website in advance). Congress is not the place to have the auction if classes are being held at the same time (this happened one year). People are too involved with getting horses ready to stop and bid at a sweepstakes auction. And the "flexibility" of the rules that I have seen is just not acceptable for a class that costs so much to enter and has such large paybacks. (By the way - if you've won at the sweepstakes - I congratulate you. From what I've seen, the classes have been placed fairly. I have no problem with the program with respect to judging/placing.).
If I see that the new management (who I am NOT criticising here - Jason was not in charge of the program when I had most of the problems) is running this well and professionally, then I will participate again. But for now, even with the good paybacks, it is just not worth the effort and the frustration.