Thank you everyone for the kind words, I still can't believe Rue is really gone. My heart seems to sink more and more each day, seeing her empty stall everyday is so devastating I don't know how I do it. She was my mother and I's baby, so special and taken way to soon. But we continue to say Rue had other plans, I have had several people tell me Rue always had her wings on earth we could just not see them. Little did they know how weird it was for them to say it, because we always called Rue an angel. She was unlike any other animal I have ever known, she will be constantly missed.
I wish the moment i found her gone didn't keep replaying in my head, all I can say is thank god for Summer because chances of me going back to the barn would be slim to none.
I have a VERY special photo to share with you all! I contacted Robins "mom" Katy Ory to see if she could put my mother and I's vision on paper. My mom and I picture Rue with the biggest set of white fluffy wings and bouncing through the forest, I gave the most brief description to Katy regarding our imagination. I sent her a handful of favorite photos of our Rue and told her to use whatever she thought would work, this was going to be one of my moms christmas presents. I got an email from Katy late at night while I was studying for finals and when I opened it I was completely blown away. It is the most perfect thing I have ever seen, she captured Rue with the background and wings so perfectly I still get the goosebumps when I look at it. It is so bittersweet, it brings the happiest of tears as well as the most sad. But to have this forever is just amazing. Not only was this for my mom Katy made this as a gift to myself as well when I asked her for it. Oh and there was no way I could have waited to show my mom, so now it will just be framed nicely for her
Summer is a whole other story..... She knew Rue was gone when I arrived and has been different ever since. Very painful to see, but she has been so comforting. She had a hard time going back into the barn on Sunday and now has what I would call separation anxiety. I can't even leave the gate when she is put in her paddock, she throws a tantrum and will do the exact figure 8 Rue used to do and paw the gate until I have her clipped on her lead. VERY unlike Summer who never moved from her beloved grass. I even took her into the woods to Rue's grave and she never once flinched, and she is terrified of everything (we think she was previously abused). I even took her on a mini trail walk because every second with her beats doing anything else and she LOVED IT! She hates going back into her stall and even left her grain the other day to be with us in the aisle. Poor girl, its really hard to see. I don't want to keep blabbing because my head still isn't 100% there..... Her tummy has shrunk from behind in photos and today she rolled on just 1 side in the grass field, which I have NEVER seen her do. I also got the teeniest tiniest drop of clear liquid from one teat today. In front of her udder where the HUGE edema is I felt a hard and very pronounced thing that felt like a vein? But seemed to big, but then again I have never had a pregnant mare. So maybe someone will know what I mean? Both nipples were completely separated about an inch maybe more and pointing straight down this morning, will double check and feel again tonight when I feed.
One of the hardest things is Summer and Rue were our only 2 minis. Summer is now alone and we have been searching as fast as we can for a friend for her. Super painful because we would NEVER be looking for another animal this fast if she weren't alone, but her well being is the most important thing to us in this world. I think I have a mini gelding moving over this weekend as a temporary friend until we have a real plan on a permanent for us. I have been out of the loop and miss you all A LOT! So feel free to ask me questions so I can chat and keep up with updating and what not.