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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2003
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On Christmas Eve, my 10 year old Cockatiel quietly died in his sleep. His buddy went crazy, so Monday we went shopping for a girlfriend for him. We found one and he is been singing up a storm to her.

I was glad he was happy because I thought for a couple of days he was not going to make it.

My mother had told me to go get one because everytime she calls he sings to her on the phone. Now he is singing to her again.
Oh, I'm so sorry. I know how much it hurts to loose those little guys. I just lost my Dave-the-Bird (a 27 y.o. tiel) in October. I still miss him so much, but I am so glad that we got our LuLu Bird (another tiel).

It's great that your other tiel is so enthusiastic about his new friend. Maybe you will have some baby tiels!!!
I am so glad you got a companion for your teil, they do so much better in pairs. I use to have teils, but went to the bigger ones--cockatoos, and I have a amazon and McCaw. I also had some finches which I just gave to Lori (luvmycritters) she has alot of birds of all types and sizes. I love to hear a bird sing, but there are times my big ones drive me CRAZY--they dont know when to shut up...and they all talk, so its worst then having little kids and trying to keep them quiet, just impossible! Corinne
I am so sorry for your loss - these little feathered love-monkeys can leave such a huge hole in your heart when they leave you.... such a big impact for so small a critter...

But I am glad to hear that you found a new friend for his buddy.

I'm so sorry for your loss, but glad your little buddy likes his new friend.

We have a solitary tiel and he likes being an "only bird" - he loves to interact with us and he's addicted to television - CMT and Monday night football are his favorites. Even when I picked him out at the pet store, he was off on his own and the other birds had paired up. He answers yes and no to our questions and we ask him often if he would like a friend or a girlfriend or a budgie, and the answer is always no.

I should mention that Squaggles is a free-range cockatiel - he has the run of the basement. He's very polite about this privilege and doesn't fly about without an invitation, unless it's to go back to his cage to get something to eat. He has a "loft" where he sleeps (on a curtain rod), a hanging basket and windowsill where he watches t.v., and a cage where he goes to eat and drink or watch us on the computer (he likes it when hubby plays games, he thinks it is almost as good as television!). He also gets to come upstairs to visit during lazy weekend breakfasts or when we have company over, and he likes to sit on the back of the couch to watch the birds outside or catch a few rays of sunshine.

In short, he's spoiled rotten.
I am so sorry for your loss... I lost my last tiel year and years ago, and it took me awhile to want another, but I am currently bird sitting one, and I Love him.

He sings, he whistles different songs, he play's "peekaboo' with you, and just aimlessly chatters...

He's such a blast! I have Never seen or heard of a tiel that chitters and "talks" like he does, but holy cow does he talk! Glad to hear it's not uncommon, as now, of course, I want one again!

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