Comocozzee Bird

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2005
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North Carolina
....but that's the only word that describes this darn bird (female robin) that has been flying into my windows of my house, for about a week now. I thought she may be hungry so I spread some seed on the ground, to no avail, she came right back. 5 days later she has dirtied up all the windows, and is really starting to get annoying, as this goes on from sun-up, to sundown. I consulted the only "bird person" I know and she has no idea, and she had one currently doing the same thing.

Can anyone spread some light on this behavior?
I can't tell you why, but my mom has the same problem at her house. She hangs little wind socks and those sticky little decorative things on the windows so they can see the window. She still gets the occasional 'bonk', but it's better than it was.
Either your windows are too clean, or she is one of those vain girls who always likes to look at herself in the mirror
Either your windows are too clean, or she is one of those vain girls who always likes to look at herself in the mirror
Well I can promise you, it isn't because my windows are too clean, LOL.

Yesterday, my boys opened the sliding door she'd be pecking on and flying into, to see if she'd come in :new_shocked: , but they said she just sat there on the porch peering in the house. I told them they were VERY lucky that she didn't come in.

She sees the windows and doors, she just insists on flying into and pecking at them. Perhaps she'll let me get a picture today.
We've had a bird do this when we lived on the beach. I've been told that the bird sees another bird, which is it's reflection in the window, and thinks it's another bird. So, they go after the other bird trying to defend their nest. Ours was a male and we saw it's nest with the female in it. Ours would do it when she was around.

We had that happen, makes me NUTS!!!!!!!! The only thing that even seemed to help was to hang an aluminum plate in the window then close the blinds.
I'm not so sure that Robins eat seeds. At my house they are always eating worms that they pull up out of the grass, and then fruit like my strawberries.

I have seen birds get kind of strange when the weather is extra cold??
Jo~ , It did turn really cold the day she started doing this.

Another thing I noticed was, that until that day there were not a lot of birds in my yard. Since she started there have been a ton of them, even before I put out seed.

It is making me nuts...ok, more nuts than I already was.

OK, off to clean bird poop of the sliding door again, and where did I put those darn aluminum pie plate.
Watch out! It could be Alfred Hitchcock's, The Birds all over again :bgrin .

I wouldn't call myself a professional by all means but I did used to raise pigeons and doves, worked a lot hands on with "bird brains" so to speak my knowledge, as someone already mentioned, the robin most likely see's "another robin in their territory" as robins are VERY territorial where their nests or nesting grounds are...and is trying to chase it away only to avail to a "bonk" on your window! My doves used to do this a lot, chasing their reflection and then I have a pretty dust angel on my window =) lol...

I would try some of the suggestions, hanging stuff on the window is more likely going to help than hurt!
Oh I had a little male Cardinal that used to fight with his reflection in my car's driver's side mirror. :new_argue: I fixed the little

bug-ger by putting a bag over the mirror so he could no longer see his reflection ...only thing by that time believe it or not my mirror had all kinds of chicken scratch marks all over it!
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The poster that said robins were meat eaters hit the nail on the head. Then speaking of weird we used to have an old gander who had a love affair with his reflection of himself in the car headlights (never said geese were smart)
I can see it now - the next horror movie...

Alfred Hitchcock's Kamikaze Birds!!

But this one is after the reflection - or something she sees inside - maybe she can see another window and thinks she can fly straight through. When that happened here we taped some cardboard on the outside of the window where the bird kept "attacking"... and after a day or so the confused thing went away to find another window...
I can see it now - the next horror movie...

Alfred Hitchcock's Kamikaze Birds!!

But this one is after the reflection - or something she sees inside - maybe she can see another window and thinks she can fly straight through.
Sounds like a winner tagalong.

The thought had occured to me that she may think she can fly threw the glass, because there is a window directly across. I don't know, but I'm gonna have scratches all over my door if I don't do something soon.

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