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Thank you, Marie, for putting a huge smile on my face and warming my heart with that wonderful compliment!

Thank YOU for always being there for me, for Keith, and for our detail all of your help would take forever! Thank you also for setting the bar so very high when it comes to love, care and respect for your horses, dogs and piggy. One could only hope to be reincarnated as one of your herd!

Amongst the many who deserve great appreciation, I'll "pay it forward" to jayne for entrusting us with sweet little Thelonius. We love him so much, and he and Mingus are the best friends anyone could imagine. I can'timagine life without him!
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Tagalong -

Yes - I coordinate and provide the music as well. All the music you are hearing on the AMHR Nationals (whether you like what I play or not) is provided be me. I do that at most of the shows I announce around the country.

I would like to thank Cindy Moses of Mocha Miniatures for being a breeder who really does put the well being of her horses over anything else.
Cindy is a fantastic breeder and person, she has helped my infinitely in the past year and a half.

Right there with Cindy is Karen, frosthillfarm, she is the wonderful woman who rescued my little one Covergirl and has helped me with getting her to the point she's at now, she is a great friend.

Molly & Dru- They've also given me help and advice. I spent a week with them over the summer and it was my favorite part of vacation. They are great people with great horses and Dru can make anyone laugh.

Now on the forum, there are TONS!

Jill- Always leaves a nice comment, and is a very nice person. Even if nobody else comments on a post Jill's there 99% of the time just to say something to make you smile. And she has the coolest smilies on the forum!

Leia- I love her posts and have saved some for future reference, she is so full of knowledge and she knows what she's doing.

Charlene- She is an inspiring, strong person.

Karla (barnbum)- She is so nice, I've talked to her about training quite a bit and this is someone I would love to meet in person for sure!

Marty- She always makes me smile when I read her posts.

Suzanne- Has the best narration of her adventures with her horses, especially Mingus. I really enjoy reading them!

Sandy (Miniequine)- Sandy, you are the best photographer on here and I admire you for it, I always get excited when I see a post by you!

I think I may have accidently left some out, but everyone here is really great. There's always someone who has something nice or helpful to say.

Thats easy, Nootka for many reasons she knows.
Sheryl and Jill are wonderful and have been so supportive. They always take time to answer questions, give advice and offer encouragement. I appreciate them both more than they will ever know!
Aw, Ashley, thanks!

There are a lot of people on here that I am amazed that keep their cool, and have always maintained a fine outlook, trying to do their best by their horses and move forward on their goals, learn humbly and share that knowledge with others...

Some of these names are:

Jill, Kim (Crabby Chicken), tagalong, susanne, a_longman, and yes, Mark and Sharon Bullington both are terrific, we are lucky they are NW'ers!

I know I'm missing many, but these are some that stick in my mind even though I have not been around to post much, I do read!

Tony ~ I try to read all his posts and love seeing pictures of his horses. I like to check out his website regularly and am amazed with Lauren's photography. If you haven't seem her synchronized stallions you need to check them out..Photography by Lauren

Ronnie, sfmini, and minimomNC ~ just very nice people

All of whom answer questions about AMHA!
I don't post on here much, but I'm on here every day, reading people's questions and the responses. I would like to compliment everyone who is not afraid to ask a question, and every one who answers that question to the best of their ability in a thoughtful and helpful manner.

I would also like to compliment Judy (Sunny) on the judge that she has become. She is professional, decisive and friendly and always has a word to say that helps to put exhibitors, young and old, at ease. She's really great with the youth.
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I definitely have an addition to this thread.

Sterling aka Cheyenne has been a huge part of my life since

we met on here some 5 years ago, I think, now..... I drew her

name for the Secret Santa gift exchange and who knew we'd

become such friends?!

In 2006, we were in Washington DC for my son's college graduation

Making the side trip to New Jersey to meet Cheyenne, Ted and her family

of critters was never a question...... The trip would not have been complete

without it........ So wish we lived closer.... She is a friend indeed!!

Thanks to the LB Forum for bringing us together.
I also would like to thank Diana Fiorey and Karen Morris for always being there for me.

They are true friends thru thick and thin!

To Linda for Jack!

Lisa from Ozark Tack for being a great friend!

And to Liz Marks for always being so nice and for the way above board care and love she gave to "Red"' all those years, no one else would have gone to the lengths you did for her Liz!

I am new here but I offer my compliments to all the folks I have met here, this organized and professional site, the cheerful upbeat , helpful attitudes of all the members. It is a pleasure to visit here and read the posts. Good job everyone!

I have to say Jill keeps me grounded and when I get really upset, I email her personal and she helps out a lot. I also appreciate the quality of horses she has gathered at her place. It is nice to see somone who cares about the breed enough, to put together some of the best, for the sake of the breed. After all, isn't that what it is about.

Also, even though it has been 3 years ago, I am still VERY thankful everyday for Bonnie and the rest of this forum who helped to keep Prints with us. It could not have been done without them.

Tons of others who for sure are the best!!!!!
My Thanks goes out to a long time friend going on 8 years. Nancy AKA Equusize has been a true friend and confidant. Even attending shows I was unable to make when Phantom was showing to take photos and even my most cherished video when he went Supreme at the 2005 area 8 Regional show. We share in the good times and bad. You listen to me and speak honestly when I need to hear the truth. I hope once my husband and I get moved back north we will have a chance to meet up so I can give you a hug in person.

Awww I say as you have said at times..."You made my eyes leak!!"

I have to say that meeting Nancy online with the Secret Santa bringing us together is fate! She is like a big sister to me. Getting to meet her and Michael a few years ago and having them come down was just the icing on the cake. I wished we could have done more and had more time to spend together. They so graciously worked around our schedule that we had going on but even tho the time spent together was not long, we enjoyed every minute and knowing her in person I have to say she is the very same online. This lady has a heart of gold!

Liz (Hosscrazy) is my CA sister. We met online back in the late 90's when L'il Beginnings was a hatchling and just starting out. I had just gotten my little boy Manny and he was under the weather. I have probably told this story a thousand times, but she was the first to send him an e-card and wish him a speedy recovery. I will never forget that time! Ever since then our horses have been cyber cousins.

I adore these ladies.
They will go out of their way to help you, lend an ear, be a shoulder to cry on and are always the same online, on the phone and in person. I'm sucha lucky gal to have them in my life!

All my friends I have on the forum.....I want to thank... Those who I talke with on a daily basis on threads or in pm's and in emails. You all know who you are. You have ALL impacted my life in one way or another. Thank you!!!! This forum is so very special...and the people make it so.
Jill~ I respect the fact that you are willing to be honest and stand behind what you say. You are one of the few that I can say what you see is what you get that is rare these days especially on the Internet.

Leeana~It has been wonderful to watch you become such a talented horsewoman this past year your growth has been outstanding.

Sheryl~ I can say the same for you to see you really storm into the show world this year has been very nice!

Erica~you work so very hard and are truly one of the most amazing handlers I have seen especially in the ammy classes. You have accomplished so much in your young years and are truly inspirational to our youth members and adults alike.

Marty~Your sense of humor and true goodness in your heart are always refreshing. I am not sure I have ever met anyone so willing to give of themselves to others. We need many more like you!

There are so many good people in this industry thank goodness they outnumber those that are only out to market/promote themselves
You listen to me and speak honestly when I need to hear the truth. I hope once my husband and I get moved back north we will have a chance to meet up so I can give you a hug in person.
Christine, Thank you. The thing, to me is, you are like getting a daughter free from Lil Beginnngs. So hurry up, back to the Pac NW cause Mom's can never have enough {{HUGS}}

So Mary Lou!!!! Did you ever think, when you started LB - how wonderfully you

would enchance people's lives?

I know for sure when I got my first computer, I never thought that I would or could

come to care so much for people that, many times I've never nor may never meet face

to face. Amazing! Thank You!
Awwwww thank you Alex! You are so sweet!!

I think I
you all for different reasons. Life would be so boring without everyone!

I hope its alright, I'm going to do three compliments! :D

Stacy (MiniMama) - You are a kind and helpful woman who is always there for me when I need some advice! You are very smart and good at putting things into perspective!

Matt73 - You are a very sweet and funny guy who I've enjoyed knowing and had a lot of fun visiting when I was out your way! You also have the most gorgeous stallion who I would have taken home if I could have ;)

Marty - You are inspirational, incredibly funny and an all around great woman! The strength and goodness you possess amazes me!
Thank you Julie!!
I try to help all I can.

You (Creta Hills Gal) are a good friend and one of the sweetest people I know!

My list would have to be 30-40 people long!

At the top of my list would have to be Mary Lou, who without all her HARD work, generosity and dedication, I would not have met SO MANY wonderful friends! I have life long friends-SISTERS that I have met here. Much of my every day is spent here. LB is a HUGE part of my life that I can't do without. So from my HEART, thank you Mary Lou!
I would like to compliment all of you I have met at shows throughout the USA. You are always so kind and offer so much support. I really think the reason I got over being so sick this past spring is all the support I got from my friends nd extended family - many of who are on here. I am able to do what I do because of all of you.
Mark Bullington
Hey Mark and Sharon, i want to say THANKS for a great job you both did this year. It was such long hours but you both made it so much fun and you kept things going so smooth ...I enjoyed being with you guys this year again...... glad its done i am wornout.......have a safe trip home.. best reguards...Lee Crutchfield

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