Well-Known Member
Bump tp Back Porch now Mary Lou, hee hee I just wanted to get people alerted.In case I disappear it will be temporary.I haven't even been home in forever! Seems to have started with emails from CIA and FBI, that worm. Thanks to some bored hacker creep! ALso my Norton Antivirus has now expired and they want $50 to continue and all this happened as soon as it ran out.!
Now it comes on with big red screen says cant find configration? Something, has little "ok thingy so I hit enter and can get on in but can't get my scanner to work or post any pictures or some files etc. Also says "Performed illegal operation and will be shut down" but doesn't.
Now I have to take the thing in I guess but it's icy out and we're not bugeted for this right now. I can tell you why soon I hope
So anyone know how to reconfigure one of these monsters? Come with me to the back porch. Maxine
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